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Everything posted by aardvark

  1. Scammers will try and sucker You into sending $$'s to a legit sounding bank and then they disappear. Problem is they are nearly invisible from a standpoint of tracking where the money goes. Poilce and even Fed Authorities can't keep up with the transactions since the transfers happen so fast and underground. As said, send no money until You receive delivery. You can hand the Delivery Co a handful of cash,... get receipts and title... OR go see the car in person and transact that way. It troubles me when You say they have somewhat disappeared.
  2. to me, the issue is not really noticeable.....or a ''non-issue''.
  3. There is a product called ''Ozium''. It seems to mask or kill Any Odor. Available at Auto Parts Stores. I use it liberally, but a warning, just a few squirts will drive You out of the car... It's very concentrated. I'll juice the car interior down and close the doors/. An hour later I'll try to get back into it.
  4. Did you send $$'s? Never send anything until a vehicle is delivered. I've been Scammed twice...
  5. Turner supplies new disks and calipers as part of their kit. The Dual Master is sold separately.
  6. Your up against a hard road. A lotta old folks with scattered records, a lot of complexity. I'm surprised You've gotten as far as You have.
  7. Thanks. Ron. Are You going to get into options ie. superchargers, auto or manual, things like that? I am copying this Info for my file. Most Excellent Research,friend.
  8. actually Ron. Mine is a '02' Convert in green. Sounds like ya got the '02' year finished, with 33 each. Could You share that with me? LakeDesign.Dan@mac.com
  9. Ron Hows Your research coming along? I'm totally willing to ''Pay" for a ''paper copy'' of Your results, come time when You think the results are as complete as is needed. You do need compensated for Your efforts. Your work is very commendable.
  10. Well as said, i do want to Mod the Brakes, due to Mountain roads,.... I will be keeping all the older brake parts for the next owners choices. When I bought the car, I considered a Tremec 5 Speed, but then I have the Build Sheet saying Automatic. ... That was a (car) show stopper.
  11. Well, its what this car logically needs. I wish I could go a different direction , but the cars value plays a hand in the decision. As said, I'm not against anyone Modding their vehicle. Done so all my life with many vehicles to achieve what i wanted.
  12. It's not that I disagree with a better battery, but if a 3EE turns it over, I don't care about a 30-40# weight increase in the front end. My Wife throws off the balance by 125#'s. and it's all incremental . How much do you and I weigh? Are we after track timing by the second at a time? As said, I love Retro. I love Mods.. I'm in a scenario where originality is key on this vehicle. It's just a destiny on this one. I've had a SB Vega with a 400ci and turbo 400 tranny... and many other vehicles that would curl your hair and straighten it in the same run. Each vehicle needs approached for it's value and fun..
  13. Well MFG/// They got rid of the 289 as well, but while Originally Studie (63-64) the 3EE was used (as best I know) I'm not all about being 100% original, but IF Your car is one of those untouched by changes or mods, it behoves You to stick with OEM parts. It would be a different thing if the 3EE wasn't available or highly expensive , but it is available and not priced much different than any other option. Mine, (below) is 100% Stock cept the Aluminum Wheels but I have a new set of the Stock hubcaps in the trunk. I don't like the brakes and am in the process of upgrading to Dual Master and new Turner disks.. ( I live in the Mountains and braking is paramount). BUT I will keep the Original Brake Part for the next owner if they want to revert back. But I am sorta envious of the later models with a Chev Small Block. That was a good upgrade and a 383 stroker could be done and it would look stock.
  14. I have to ask... whats so wrong with the 3EE? It's original and the same price as many other options. They are finicky but buy a $10.oo trickle charger and there will be no problems.
  15. Gun... I bought my '63' last year for $16k. Condition is a 8-9 out of 10. It has 89K on the clock.. I have a few $thou in it and still have a power steering leak. It's NOT #3..but a good survivor. I don't do major resto's anymore at age 70. I buy em right and when tired of em... sell em. It's all a Business Transaction and I LOVE This Car. So someone else put the money in this vehicle, and I paid near full asking price. Both parties were happy.
  16. I'm looking at this from strictly a $$ figure. I really have no choice in my purchases. reason being is ANY vehicle in my life is a financial decision, and allows the ability to move on to the next purchase. No big bank account here, no financial windfalls, no lotto winnings... Just an average Joe trying to make ends meet. So when I buy or take on a project there can be no losses. That doesn't mean I'm not a total Auto Freak..That was inbred into me. I own a number of vehicles (5 collectors and 2 dailies). The Dailies I run to death and their usage pays for themselves. The Collector stuff is a Business Transaction, and I don't like to lose in Business. On this particular vehicle? It's a Crap Shoot. There will be 1 to 2 years of resto... what is Your time/labor worth? ... Next is the parts list... Massive. To someone with the perfect Shop Setting, it may pay off. To me,, Not a chance in Hell. .......... I might add, People who restore out of Love, end up losing at time to sell. Instinctively they are even aware of that fact. I'll be first in line at time to buy.
  17. Man... That car was a mess. I'm uncertain if it's rarity is worth that price. Car #3 was without actual firm verification (according to the seller) Avanti History shows 1 Avanti "63' that sold for $110k. I don't know what was special about that particular car. ... Most sell in the $30-40k range with some at far less. Does the rarity and the $22k price support likely a $40-50k restoration to bring this car near that level of value? Seems like a risk to me.
  18. Mothballing is still in place for my cars..... A Helene Hurricane Update!! They were out there Blacktopping again and the roads are pretty good. The weather is beginning to cooperate. Temps are in the 50s and 60's over the next few weeks. So the New Administration is in place with promises of aid. I expect good from Him, but suspect He'll circumvent FEMA...(YES!!) All repairs, Housing and aid is basically from the Locals and some "out of State" sources. Religious Orgs are on it but overwhelmed. Franklin Graham was born and raised right here and even His Org is outside of Asheville. So this is personal to Him. So enough of the Politics.. This place is still a mess and will likely be a few years before the place shows good recovery. And back on the Car Topic... I soon will be on "The Road"! .... Car Shows are still in the planning and I'll be ready to attend.
  19. stock is gloss.
  20. thanks again, Ron.
  21. I have to ask,, Ron....Since You've been keeping data on thee cars... Is that car a stock color? To me it's a horrible option.
  22. Mark63Avanti Yer spot on about not messing with the Oil Co's chemistry. ........................... Depending on what kind of vehicle You us as a Daily, todays engines are very particular about viscosity. I was told to never up the viscosity in my Ford 5.4 engine since the galleries couldn't handle the increase w/o ruining the engine. They spec 5w-20w max. So at 300k miles I guess they're right. No smoke and the engine runs like new. Fpllow Mfg'r's Spec's and You should be fine.
  23. as in other Oil discussions on other forums, there is no single answer or general agreement. Everyone is an expert and in reality NONE are Chemical Scientists. Thus all I have ever had to go on is personal experiences. After owning some 65 vehicles, I've NEVER had an engine failure due to Oil. Add to that I run vehicles until the bodies fall off for rust or other failure like head gaskets and warped parts or tranny failures. I run em to death and over the 200k mile mark... Many to 300k. One went over 400k.. So add or chemically modify as You see fit, but I'll trust in a good oil company ((in my case Castrol )) and their Scientists testing their products for longevity/ I won't mess with their chemistry.
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