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Everything posted by aardvark

  1. In Maggie Valley NC, at the Creekside Lodge they had a nice Meet-Up over Friday and Saturday. There were about 35-50 attendees and 5 of em were Avanti's.. The event went well and a lot of differing vehicles were represented. Some of You were there. Good to see a few Friends who are owners. (Oh, I tried to post this on SDC, but photos wouldn't upload)
  2. So it's on NOW. Today (Fri) was a good get together,... Tomorrow, (Sat) is the main event. Be there...Creekside Lodge, Maggie Valley, N.C,
  3. I went back on one post and edited.. then added the Pix's back.
  4. Asking for info on the Annual Studebaker Meet-up event that always happens in Maggie Valley N.C.. It's generally in September but I've not heard or read IF it's even on for this year.(2024) Any feedback would be appreciated. I live 30 minutes from the Location and would love to attend.
  5. Asking for info on the Annual Studebaker Meet-up event that always happens in Maggie Valley N.C.. It's generally in September but I've not heard or read IF it's even on for this year.(2024) Any feedback would be appreciated. I live 30 minutes from the Location and would love to attend.
  6. Wow Mark... Is something wrong with the Deal ? Interesting and a couple good candidates for Resto or Resto-Mod'ing. The price is right and after being on the Market for 2 months, the Seller might take less than advertised. If I was 10 years younger and had an empty Barn, i would quickly consider them. But I just turned 70 and have a full work area. I got enough on my plate. I already have a '63' R2 in near 100% excellent condition, so for me, these are good candidates for a total Rerto-Mod and modern driveline, suspension and brakes to bring the car (1 finished off) to be a real Street Stomper. Alice Cooper did the Resto-Mod route. 400-450hp, Mustang 2 suspension and a Ford engine w/ T5 Tranny...A Friend is also doing the same with a 600hp LS setup.
  7. So was the Supercharger a factory installed piece or done after the fact via Dealerships or other entities? I had a El-Camino with a Choo Choo option., It was a Camino with a Monte Carlo styled front end done after the fact. The Truck came out of the Factory and was sent to Kentucky where a Co installed the nose on the truck.. Then it went to specific Dealerships. ........ I might add that even at $72k in 2002 dollars these cars are far too rich for my blood. Dunno what $72k equates to in 2024 Dollars... Maybe $100k+?...I bought my stock'ish model in January this year for $19k.. Gave the seller full asking price and He drove it here for another $200. .... Point being, those who buy "Specialty Vehicles'' New seem to generally lose $$$'s Big Time. I'm in this strictly for the Profits but also have a deep Love for things Automotive,.. I have no choice but to be this way. I would NEVER be able to drive and own these types of Vehicles If I wasn't very savvy with my funds. Hey... I'm a Middle Class Bro-Man. I've had over 65 Vehicles and either drove them for a few hundred thousand miles ''OR'' did a flip on em over time. That's the ONLY way I can own these Vehicles.
  8. Detroit proper has the same homicide rate as Chicago, but is 1/3rd the size.. Stay in Livonia.
  9. Hey Super. Well the problem seems to be the lack of proper documentation from the Factories and those who ran the show.... You would never see that with other Mfgr's... to me it is outright bad bookkeeping and sad. I own a Porsche and other Collectibles and there isn't anything i cannot find out about those specific vehicles and their Production stuff/ Only a few are left and in the know.. John Hull who wrote ''Avanti the complete story'' did a good job on His bBook, but it is lacking a lot of info on Our Cars. He has a LOT of documentation from Factory and Office records,... but He is getting up there in years, and i fear His Records may never hit the Avanti Public. I had a issue just trying to figure out how many Avanti's (sorry Studies) were made in my year. His book only said over a 4 year period (01-04) 53 were made...No breakdown per year..'''FinallyI '''I did hear back from John and He sent me an e-. It stated there were 14 made in 2001, and 33 made in 2002. There is NO Doc's on the Options that I know of. If You get further info on ANYTHING as You go forward, I'll go out on a limb here and give You my e-mail.... LakeDesign.Dan@mac.com .. Just state in the title who You are. We are in Western NC in the Blue Ridge /Smokies / Appalacians. Twisty Roads Abound!!
  10. Super 04 On another post the question is being asked how many Supercharged models were made. Maybe You have an answer for them. My door tag is quite similar and yet the 2001's don't reference them as Studies. It's a strange thing that the Company is Avanti and the Vehicle is Studie. Sorta Bass-Ackwards...what I mean by that is a Camaro is a Chev not the other way around.
  11. The connotation of this show being in Detroit (to me) is a sad state of affairs. Livonia is a nice area but Detroit is a crime cesspool. To me, when I heard the show was in Detroit, it raised a red flag. Then I learned it was in Livonia...Livonia is about 30-40 miles West of Detroit proper. I lived in the Burbs for decades (Down River). and Livonia is a night and day difference from Detroit. When I heard there will be a Cruise into Detroit,... my advice is DON'T. (Please folks be careful in that decision) Please ..., Harvey, push harder that this is NOT in Detroit.
  12. Gotta say, I get concerned when no mention (that I saw) of it's running condition is mentioned and it only has 135 miles on it. A car not run for 20ish years can be trouble. Maybe the price reflects my concern since I think it's slightly underpriced. I wouldn't let my '02' go for under $60k. It has 43k on it. Am I overpriced? Maybe but I have no intent of selling.
  13. Likewise My photos are gone. They used to come up on the post and now all I see is a Image to click on, but nothing is there.
  14. w.. Knew a guy 98 who was still driving. Just think it out and go for it.
  15. Stacey. Eh, 70 and 75 are just numbers. There also speed limits that I don't pay attention to.... I've had a few years that nearly took me out but I'm back, resto modded and ready to roll. Lost a lil HP in the process but am ready to run. It's strange. I bought my '63' about this time last year (Jul 23). I needed info on a number of things, so I found this Forum. While checking in I saw the AVX for the first time in photos submitted here.... a few months later a '02' came up for sale and in Jan 24, I bought one from a seller on this site. I was amazed at the info I was able to glean from this site...Also I never thought I would own 1, let alone 2 Avanti's..... But to repeat myself, the Folks Here are a pleasure to converse with. I'm Blessed in many ways and this site just adds to the list. GOD is Good,
  16. Thanks..
  17. I just framed the AVX-4 Concept Drawings for my Barn Office wall......Good Job, Jim. It will hang along side a Loewy Concept out there.
  18. Thanks Stacey. MFG Stacey.......Likewise I try to check in everyday. Doing so prompted me to pick up on buying my '02' from a Seller. I jumped on it.. There might be more inactive for what ever reason, and that's just life. I just turned '70' today and still love the Rides, and try to keep up on what's new with them. MFG.... The inability for the site to not accept a Designers name troubled me, when trying to come in as a ""New"" Member. I tried to (and did) let Lew know, so it wouldn't interfere with the Sites growth...as it turned out, I typed in the AOAI site in my Browser instead of clicking on a preset icon I had. It all opened up for me . I really missed the weeks without interaction. There is a civility here amongst Studie Owners that i have not seen on other Car Forums. I've owned over 45 cars and 65 if You include other road vehicles (motorcycles, trailers, etc). So I've been involved in a few Forums for the purpose of learning about the vehicles. The problem has always been the infighting nastiness and overall disrespect for others...... BUT.... Here... I don't see or run into that here. ...It's why I'm here. On those other sites, I glommed the info I needed and got the hell out... for good. I thank Y'all and the Admin for the way things are conducted here.
  19. Interesting and I'm off topic here a tad, but my '02' has a Pontiac Title, and the door tag says ''Studebaker'' by Avanti...Not the opposite way around. ...A Camaro is by Chev.... not a Chevrolet by Camaro... as an example.. Then in discussion with others who have other Firebird based Avanti's of certain years have no Studebaker name on the door tag at all. Quite Confusing. eh? Hope Your Registration efforts go well.
  20. YES!!!!! I'm Back..
  21. I don't know yet if this will work but here goes. I've had issues getting back into the site over the last few weeks due to Computer Glitches., On who's end, doesn't matter now. I am just thrilled to be able to get back in.. Missed Y'all.
  22. Bob... It didn't depreciate.... just the opposite. X 10 +...(if in VGC). Considering Inflation, Your still likely to be at a break even point.
  23. MFG. I actually like the design with laid over wings... as well as the end production, Studie at the time was putting wings on their cars and to me, they were either too extreme or too cheap looking. The Hawk was extreme but pulled it off. Avanti escaped that and went more Euro. I made a 20" x 30" print of the Loewy Concept and it's framed, in glass and going in my office. Might even frame the Modern Concepts in a smaller format.
  24. Mfg Same was true when the AVX came into the Design Studio and into production. And is necessary after the 20+ year timespan since the originals, due to necessary items needing upgraded. It then is a matter of an Individuals tastes as to wether they like it or not...or wether it will sell, To me, the Modern Concept Drawings are a bit over the top from a Build-ability Standard, but I do like the general idea. I think it is very unlikely we will see this come into ''reality''.
  25. I agree with Your Design Points, Geoff. Concept Drawings seem to never end up as an end product,... A good example is this Concept done by Loewy in (I think) 1961. Many times I like the Concepts better than what actually hits the streets. Still the Engineers and other factions then get involved and reign in the Designers ideas.
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