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    Canton (Cruso) NC in the Mountains
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    '63' 63 - R2-2238 02 Avanti

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  1. I have to ask,, Ron....Since You've been keeping data on thee cars... Is that car a stock color? To me it's a horrible option.
  2. Mark63Avanti Yer spot on about not messing with the Oil Co's chemistry. ........................... Depending on what kind of vehicle You us as a Daily, todays engines are very particular about viscosity. I was told to never up the viscosity in my Ford 5.4 engine since the galleries couldn't handle the increase w/o ruining the engine. They spec 5w-20w max. So at 300k miles I guess they're right. No smoke and the engine runs like new. Fpllow Mfg'r's Spec's and You should be fine.
  3. as in other Oil discussions on other forums, there is no single answer or general agreement. Everyone is an expert and in reality NONE are Chemical Scientists. Thus all I have ever had to go on is personal experiences. After owning some 65 vehicles, I've NEVER had an engine failure due to Oil. Add to that I run vehicles until the bodies fall off for rust or other failure like head gaskets and warped parts or tranny failures. I run em to death and over the 200k mile mark... Many to 300k. One went over 400k.. So add or chemically modify as You see fit, but I'll trust in a good oil company ((in my case Castrol )) and their Scientists testing their products for longevity/ I won't mess with their chemistry.
  4. Good answer.Dwight. I'm a Castrol user and won't deviate from the brand. I think going synthetic with it's slickness pretty much eliminates the need for zinc, but then again, I'm not an expert. Still as said, I'm running my V-8's well over 200k miles and many times to the 300k mile point.
  5. Wild... the Shell brand is scientifically blended by Shells Scientists, thus they likely can be trusted... Good Choice. BUT...I have to ask.. If ZDDP is such an ''engine savior'' why then isn't it in ALL Motor Oils? After all, all Oil Companies have a stake in long life engine data. That's why Synthetics have become popular...Longevity. My F-150 now has 300k miles and doesn't smoke or burn oil except the acceptable amount of a 1/2 quart per 5000 miles on standard Castrol Synth. same with my Hummer H2 at 175k miles...And this is not unusual for my vehicles. I change oil every 10-12k ish miles..The advent of synthetics either as a 1/2 1/2 mix or full synth has changed the necessity of oil changes every 3000ish miles. I held to that 3000 mile parameter for decades and then 15 years ago (about 10 years after Mobil1 was introduced) I followed the science and converted my F-150 over slowly to full synth (after 3ish oil changes with a 50/50 mix.).. I'll hold to not messing with an Oil Companies research and chemistry balance. Their Scientists are of a better pay grade than '''any of us''' at deciding what is and is not good in the mix. These discussions are commonplace on ''most any'' Vehicle Forum and everyone comes at their decisions from a different angle. My angle is ''Multiple Vehicles'' running well past the 200k mark. As commonly said... "Your Mileage May Vary!"
  6. I've heard arguments from all sides, but what made the best sense is these Oil Mfgr's have done all the science and chemistry that we as Pikers just don't even have a clue to. STP changes the entire chemistry and viscosity of what the Oil Co has designed and is a crap shoot to much with that. So me personally, I've gone Castrol Synthetics on everything I drive. On V-8's I'm getting 250-350k miles on my daily drivers. One went over the 350k mark. I sold it, and I saw it on the road some 2 years later. Do as You wish, but realize these Oil Mfgr's are pulling out all stops for engine longevity...Wanna mess with the mix... Not Me!
  7. That's what concerns me. This succa is floating around everywhere
  8. Personally I would start with making sure all mechanicals are up and working in a '''''dependable''''' manner. Then the cosmetics can be addressed. Still there needs to be some common sense with the Pricing. At $40k it seems high. but is then a crap shoot to see if the rest of the work needing done can be done at a reasonable price... I'm somehow thinking it will take $10-20K just to get it back to perfection. Yes the Car has only <200 miles on it, but a car that sat these many years is basically a mess to begin with.
  9. I've seen this thing up ''for sale'' now for 4 to 6 months. So is this a scam? Is this car been sitting too long and become crap? I've decided. it likely isn't worth the headaches. You do as You see fit.. I have a '02' with 40k miles.. minimal wear. I wouldn't let it go for less than $60k..in fact I would prefer $65k. Am I out of line in my asking price? Likely so, but there is no rush to sell and the values seem to be increasing. Add to that the rarity and lack of ANY of these coming up ''For Sale''. So I'll hold to my (fictional) asking price.
  10. Thanks Ron. Looking forward to final results.
  11. RonManfred This question was out before You likely purchased Your car. Would You like to Chime In on the topic? I do know from Ron how many were made in Jade Green, but am unsure about the Convertible Numbers of the '02' year.
  12. A Helene Hurricane Update. I thought it prudent to give You all an update. So, it's been 2 months and now it's Winter. We still have families living in tents and sheds. The Gov't is as useless as ''tits on a boar hog''. Despite their actions (or lack thereof) things are getting slowly better. It is hoped that the New Administration will release sufficient funds to help families and businesses get back up and running. But it has been more than 2 months... actually 3 since all Hell broke lose. I-40 which is our most traveled freeway and goes from Asheville to Knoxville was wiped out. About a week ago another lane of that freeway collapsed. There is no good way to go West out of our area''''2 Steps Forward.. 1 Step back.'''' For my area...The roads have been mostly repaired. Blacktop was installed but they still have a LOT of patchwork to be done. A LOT of Bridges are still out. So our roads are totally drivable now. I can't complain about that since I really didn't expect good roads until late Spring. The Waterways are a total disaster. Uprooted trees and the rivers actually changed directions. Many homes destroyed and they are bulldozing em all down. So I'll keep my cars Mothballed for the Winter Season.
  13. I (ass)ume it's the bottom one that is re-dyed. I'll let Ron tell us though. The differences are very subtle. Photos and postings don't really show true reality, but the bottom pix is more reddish.
  14. I'm Cheerleading for ya. Under my own 2002 model there was no build sheet. It has been thru at least 4 owners.
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