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About silverstude

  • Birthday February 9

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    Great Falls, VA

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  • My Avanti
    1970 RQA0381

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  1. pictures help / The hinge attaches to the door jamb and also the door
  2. Yes, http://www.studebaker-info.org/avantiX1.html#r1179
  3. Have you readjusted the brake pedal height with the eccentric bolt?
  4. in my 1970 RQA.......1998 Pontiac FireHawk - manual forward + reverse, Inflatable lumbar support and side bolsters - manual front seat support adjustment ...
  5. You can use the original Dunlop system dust/rock guards with Turner brakes. It takes a little work and creativity
  6. Very nice fit & finish..
  7. You put the cylinder in a vise and clamped down on the piston, to get it to recede in the cylinder???
  8. Studebaker-International Catalog Page 248
  9. That what 'mfg' said....... and I'll bet that if you install a manual choke, your experience will be much better. I'm not familiar with an Edelbrock electric choke but the ones I had were energized as soon as you turn the ignition key on. If the engine doesn't start right away, the choke continues to open and you're basically out of options, unless you pour some gas down the carb or turn the key off and wait 15 minutes for the choke coil to get cold again... A long time ago, I had an electric choke kit (1967) that was wired to one of the exhaust manifold bolts to sense engine temps and that would be great for today's cars as it would emulate the original auto choke process. BTW, I saw your car in the Gilmore just last June. Very nice car and a great place..
  10. Here is the link with a few photos // http://www.studebaker-info.org/AVDB2/AvantiRQB/75QB2273/75QB2273x15082024/75QB2273x15082024.html
  11. Here is a discussion thread on the SDC forum.... https://forum.studebakerdriversclub.com/forum/your-studebaker-forum/tech-talk/76950-pertronix-ll-on-avanti-63-r1
  12. Check your PM's
  13. Does this friend live in Lafayette, IN? Check your Private messages, John
  14. This may work https://studebaker-info.org/Tech/Cooling/Heater/tem937166.jpg
  15. Maybe someone can take a pic of their fuse panel and if it matches up with the 83,t hen it's a fair surmise the wiring is similar...
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