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Ron Dame

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About Ron Dame

  • Birthday February 4

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  • Location
    Asheville, NC
  • Interests
    Studebakers, dogs, hiking

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  • My Avanti
    1963 R1092 R2

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  1. Ah HA! a clue!
  2. Mine are NOT Recaro. They have an integrated headrest and no adjustability. I suspect GM or AMC.
  3. Mine is similar, however there was no indication of which wire went to each terminal ( they are unnumbered in both the diagram and on the switch) and I never got it to work again. I ended up using three of the wires on a toggle switch, and it functioned fine. I never did understand what the other wires were for.
  4. Looks great!
  5. And who made those seats?
  6. Sorry, I meant who supplied teh front seats? I can get a rear seat cover from SI or another vendor.
  7. These upholstery guys around here... they don't want to touch my car or want crazy prices... like $3500 for the back seat ONLY! And that quote, he didn't want to do, saying that they were AMC seats and you can get covers on line. I'm not convinced. First, these 1980 seats don't look like any AMC seats that I recall, but I also don't really recognize them as anything familiar. So who supplied the seats to Avanti?
  8. Has anyone *successfully* replaced the vent window division seal without removing the vent window assembly?
  9. I wish the photo links worked, maybe it's my machine, but I'd love some photos to help understand.
  10. Thanks, Ron
  11. I'll double check the antenna, and the radio ground as well. Thanks!
  12. Do you recall what brand lights you used? Interestingly, these Holley bulbs work with the stock flasher!
  13. I bought some Holley Retrobright 1157 type LEDs to improve my rear visibility on braking and turning, but whether it's brakes or turn signals, the RFI over my radio is horrible. Interestingly, the stock mechanical flasher works just fine, and trying the electronic LED type made no difference. JEGS suggested I buy a pack of ferrite chokes off of Amazon ($10 for a bag full) and that would fix it. I popped one on the antenna lead, no improvement. Since I had a bag full, I put a few more on, some with the cable looped around since there were various sizes in the bag. No dice. What the heck, I put them on the tail light power and grounds, nuh uh. Next I called Holley, and they want me to buy some LED load resistors. So now, I have a LED type flasher and a bunch of chokes, and nothing is any better. Well, OK, but am I just continuing to throw money at the problem, or might this really be the fix? (Note: I originally posted this on the SDC forums, but other than checking the radio ground, I've gotten no answers)
  14. My 1980 has a flare fitting. And I agree, you have to pull the carpet back to find the screws.
  15. No, it was just so foamy that the drains couldn't work. The water flowed out, the foam expanded and went everywhere!
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