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Everything posted by Kodjo

  1. I think it is used to fix the padding above the side windows and the roll bar in the middle of the car. The suggestions above do not match with my findings in my '69 Avanti II
  2. Thanks, did not have this. Now I do, who knows, might be handy in the future.
  3. I did post the same question as you did without response. I live in europe so shipment is even more terrible. That's why I made one myself. Not many will see the difference. With a template (the old bezel) and some nice material, it's an easy job.
  4. I've made one myself from an old aluminium suitcase:
  5. I'm in the Netherlands with my '69 Avanti II.
  6. Just curious, will it fit? A SMB into a Studebaker Avanti? If it does, I would like to lower the front of my '69 Avanti II. About the camshaft; been there. Replaced the shaft and lifters.
  7. Oke, made a faceplate form an old suitcase. Done!
  8. Bought a Frankfurt, produced in 1968. Perfect for my 1969 Avanti! It is the EU version but was cheap (and I live in Europe 🙂 Still need a faceplate. Someone?
  9. Hi, I would like to own the original radio that came with my car: the Blaupunkt Essen FM/AM. Does anyone has one laying in their garage? I would like to know. Should look like the picture. Thanks, Kodjo
  10. Great find! I think most of us did it this way. The manual is plain stupid on this point. I would like to see photos of the end result. My door rattles even with a new rubber.
  11. If you don’t close the valve, hot water flows through the heater. Why ask?
  12. Forget dynamat and go for felt. Dynamat is good in making metal sheet sound "dead", it takes out all the vibrations of the thin sheet. Our cars are made from fiberglas, not steel. Therefor, no damping is needed. Heat is firstly reduced by closing all the holes in the firewall as the engine is very hot. Then, cover the inside with felt. It is easy, cheep and give a luxury feel to the carpet.
  13. The right side of the core sticks into a hole in the right of the car under the A-pilar. The left side of the core sticks into the cardboard duct (number 22 in the exploded view). Because the left and right side of the core stick into a hole, there is no way getting it out. So, you will have to remove one more screw holding the cardboard duct. I believe this screw is on the left side of the cardboard duct (under the steering wheel).
  14. Well, I've fitted a fan clutch "heavy duty". That works perfectly: No screaming belts and a constant 185 dgF on the gauge. For the interested: Hayden 2747 did the trick on af chevy 350 from '69.
  15. Oke, well, today I reversed back to the mechanical fan setup. Works like a charm except being loud and the belts start to scream around 3000RPM. Before, there was a torque limiting clutch, now a viscous drive. This viscous drive is putting to much strain on the belts. I can't find a torque limiting drive that fits my car... The 2000 CFM fan was not enough for my car...I could fit a bigger one but then I would also need a bigger alternator. This route cost a lot of money, time and effort. I'll take the noise of the mechanical fan...
  16. I replaced the mechanical point by electronic version, so no wear. The timing should be about right; 12dg base and 34 max at 3000 RPM. I have an '69 Avanti but no deflector installed...I think. I know an air dam, but what is a deflector?
  17. That could be. I think the dam works a bit different; it creates a lower pressure behind it and therefor pulls air true the radiator. Anyway, I think these deflectors are ugly...
  18. I think there is no dirt in the engine, nor in the radiator. Last winter I rebuild the engine. The hose is good, cap is new. Timing might be a bit early, would that hurt?
  19. And, is she running cool? I have fitted a 2000CFM fan also. It keeps cool at low speeds and stop and go traffic. On the highway she gets warm. In my car, I made an aluminium shroud, you did not. Would this make an difference in (higher) speed?
  20. Same with me.
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