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  1. Today
  2. Thanks for the recommended supplier and ring set up. I broke three piston skirts last time out and don't want to do it again. John C.
  3. Ditto to Ron's post- all of that.... Surely somebody out there can elucidate on this subject, hmmm ? 🥺
  4. Local Car Show... ...Called ‘’Cars and Cornmeal” because the show is held at a working '1820’s Grist Mill. This location is out in the Country outside of Waynesville, N.C.. About 75-100 Vehicles showed up. Only 1 person out of ~75 even knew what My car was. Most never realized the car was ever in production. I spent almost all conversations explaining just what I had here. (this was unlike my 928 Porsche where only 3 people even asked about that car.) So the first pix is an overall view of only 1/4 of the area. My Car was set up in a spot where visitors entered into the Show.It was an overcast day, but when the sun got harsh, I opted for a shade tree. It was a good time… Good ’60’s Music and BBQ.
  5. Yesterday
  6. It's time to address the moon roof issue in my 1980. The glass is cracked and it has also been sealed closed, but of course it still leaks. (I do have a replacement glass if I do repair rather than remove the moon roof) The glass has NOT dropped down, so I'm hopeful that everything is still bonded in place and that rust isn't beyond repair. The sunshield is firmly stuck half open/closed, further hampering access. Though I thought I saw directions for removing the roll bar cover, headliner, and moon roof glass at one time, a search on this site, Nostalgic Motors site and Bob Johnstone's site has not turned up the now elusive instructions for removing these items. help please!
  7. I meant the title of this ad/listing: 1963 Avanti Parts Car
  8. I believe Mr. George Krem became the owner of Asa’s beautiful ‘58 Studebaker Golden Hawk.
  9. mfg

    Injected Avanti!

    Yes, ‘ 88… at least on a few later cars!
  10. Some of you may remember Asa Hall of Connecticut. He was pretty much the guru of Studebaker trucks for a long time. He traveled to South Bend back in the 1960s when the company was throwing away a lot of factory photos and other documents, and saved as much as he could. He authored several books on Studebaker and had a large collection of Studebaker vehicles and literature. He was killed in an auto accident several years ago, and his wife/estate has been dispersing his collection of material ever since. I gave a talk on Studebaker trucks at the Rhode Island SDC meet a few years ago, and most of the photos that I used were borrowed from Sharon Hall. Anyway, a lot of his literature (including Avanti and Avanti II) and a few other items are now being auctioned off. There's a lot to look through, but the material is well organized with plenty of photos. Happy bidding. https://www.auctionninja.com/clearingho ... 13249.html
  11. Last week
  12. 88 maybe,....... the only ones I know that have it, are 89's
  13. Dwight... no mention if there is even a title.
  14. False is correct…. and I agree that the t-86 was heavily taxed behind an R1 if the driver drove ‘sportily’!!
  15. Joe... What year is the Avanti? Any photos?
  16. Selling the whole car. Pretty complete. Missing the front windshield. Interior is pretty shot. Complete drive train, body, bumpers. Not parting out. Must take the whole car. $2,500
  17. If you're going to the expense of upgrading to forged pistons, do yourself a favor and upgrade to a modern ring package so you can use thinner low friction rings and/or zero gap 2nd rings.
  18. False. For some reason Avantis used a T-86 threes speed rather than the T-85. The T85 is what became the T-10 with the reverse moved into the tail housing.
  19. Fuel injection was first offered by factory in Avanti automobiles in model year ..…?… 1) 1986…..2) 1987… or….3) 1988
  20. The Stude Avanti three speed and four speed standard transmissions share the same main case…. with reverse gear located in the extension housing on the four speed……..True?
  21. Thanks my friend. I may head over next week or so, and will stop by to see you too!
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