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Posts posted by 1963r2

  1. I notice that there are always 2 wheel cylinders quoted for the early ( Stude/ Avanti ll) Avantis.

    I assume there is a difference to them other than price .

    What is the difference ?

    I'm thinking that the change of wheel cylinder may coincide with the installation of the dual master cylinder.

    If that is the case when I convert my 63 over to a dual master set up should I use the later wheel cylinder ?



  2. If you are talking about the Rubber steering coupler then you could go to a parts store for a replacement.

    I would have thought they are reasonably generic and a Ford or GM one could be used as a replacement . If not I have seen them on Ebay.

    Also try Bob Johnston's Avanti page , there maybe a replacement number you could use on that site.


  3.  Interior a/c parts could be sourced from a retired Avanti 2. You would need to acquire or manufacture a compressor bracket to suit Stude motor.

    Personally I would use a Sanden compressor rather than the York .



  4. Thanks for all your replies so far.

    I thought I would pay ohmage  to the father of the Avanti by having his name on my licence plates ie "S Egbert".

    My preferred option was "Sherwood" but I remember seeing a P1800 years ago that had that plate so it's not available.

    I don't mind "Egbert" but thought there might be something less formal out there like a nickname .

    Keep them coming .






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