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Posts posted by 1963r2

  1. Dave,

    You should be able to move it back.

    I think you would need to bolt a strip of metal or similar to the bottom of the seat and drill some offset holes to reattach the runners.

    A man of your abilities it should be a piece of cake.


  2. Tom,

    Talk to Bill Oliver. He has a 63 Avanti with electric windows that he is/may part out. You could then buy the complete system.

    For this information however you would have to sell me the manual windows as my car does not have anything.


  3. Eric.

    I assume you had the front calipers off. Just make sure you haven't put them back on upside down therefore they are not bleeding fully.

    Make sure the bleeder is at the top of the caliper so you can get a full bleed of the system.

    Just a thought.


  4. I remember the ones I purchased were high quality and fit perfect. That said, my guess is either Steele or Metro was making them but they do not list them in their current catalogs. I recently restored a 64 Lincoln convertible and to say the least it was weatherseal HELL. So much was unavailable or there are rogue suppliers selling junk. Myself ( and many others) waited a year for Metro to make another run of vent window seals. We don't want to go through this with our Avantis.

    If you do locate an excellent used set or better an NOS set, let me know. I know a guy that makes good seals and we should have him make a mold.


    I believe that Dan and Betty from Nostalgic have the original moulds but can't get anyone to make them. Maybe you should talk to them and introduce them to your guy.


  5. I think this all stems from the fact that the Avanti continued to be made and had a life of it's own after Studebaker retired from car manufacturing.

    I guess some people feel that the Avanti has become a group (Avanti) within a group (Studebaker) and the 63/64 models are catagorize more as Avanti's then Studebakers. This may be perceived as snobbery.

    Personally I don't believe that much of it goes on but I can understand where some people might get that perception.

    As far as I'm concerned Avanti's in there various guises should always be apart of the Studebaker umbrella .I'm sure that Sherwood is smiling to himself that his idea made it out of the 60's and into the new millenium.


  6. I'm wondering how many 4 speed 64 Avanti's (with rectangular headlights) are on the road? Only factory equipped vehicles please.

    I am in the process of purchasing my second Avanti, 64, R1, 4spd, manual windows, rectangular headlights. I would like to find

    a good rust free factory steel roll bar, I've never seen one advertised for sale. Thanks in advance for taking part in my

    informal poll.

    I might know where there is one off a 1963 and a 1975 Avanti2. I assume they are the same.

    If you are interested send me your email address and I will send it through to the appropriate people.

    Both are located in CA


  7. Ken

    I thought R2 heads were easy to find.

    I believe they were a low compression head used on other studes such as trucks .

    I'm no engine builder but with today's fuel I would have thought lowering the compression with r2 heads and dished pistons might be the way to go.


  8. Peter..

    Who is Avanti Parts? How do I contact them?

    Thanks for the welcome..


    quote name='1963r2' date='31 March 2011 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1301626063' post='6977']

    Welcome Ron

    Matched door barrel and keys are available through Avanti parts.

    You may need to get a new ignition barrel and have it keyed alike for the perfect set.


    Sorry Ron I meant Nosalgic.

    When there website was running they had them listed for about $40.00 a pair.

    Try this link for phone and email details.



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