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    St. Louis, Mo.
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    Avanti and Studebaker

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  • My Avanti
    63 R1 Avanti 1250 & 63 R2 Avanti 1122

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  1. lschuc

    Avanti Oil!

    Well, if a replacement engine pre-1962 from a dealer's existing stock could have been installed, but all 1963 and 1963 V8s used full-flow engines.... except for possibly export versions to some countries.
  2. Alfred Vacano is the longtime president of the Switzerland AOAI chapter and is listed in the last page of any Avanti Magazine issue. I don't know how frequently he uses his email, but a.vacano@gmx.ch should get to him, and his phone number is also on the last page of any magazine. But I have not heard from him for some time.
  3. lschuc

    Avanti R5643!

    Actually, R5643, the last 1964 Avanti has 6,342.9 original miles, photographed multiple times for Avanti Magazine. Below, the first and last R3 Avantis!!
  4. There are a number of Avantis (1963 to 1985 and 2001-2005) in Switzerland, France and Germany. The Swiss Avanti club usually has a nice meeting in May or June each year. You can contact Alfred Vacano in Arbon, Switzerland, a.vacano@gmx.ch for more details of their club.
  5. Jim, I'll call you later... but my contact information, email and phone is in any issue of Avanti Magazine, and I've had the classified ad in some of the magazines too.
  6. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of ERISA — the Employee Retirement Income Security Act — which regulates and safeguards workers enrolled in private pension plans. Before 1974, private company pension plans, which date back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were informally administered, had little oversight or requirements, had no controls and were targets for corruption. It took several high-profile pension failures and inadequacies to spur the law that now protects the more than 75% of workers enrolled in company pension plans. That’s where the Avanti and form South Bend UAW Local 5 Lester Fox enter the picture. https://insurancenewsnet.com/innarticle/50-years-of-erisa
  7. I don't know where your headlight gaskets came from, but the absolutely correct rubber gaskets and NEW round or square headlight glass is available from Endurance Built Products. [https://endurancebuiltproducts.com ] I believe that Studebaker International also carries both of the above too.
  8. It sounds like the husband was a hoarder.....
  9. Is that real Bonneville salt on the garage on the garage floor under the car???
  10. Don Lindner's Avanti houses in South Bend get some love from a recent guest. LINK: I accidentally booked a room at a Studebaker Avanti Superfans bed and breakfast and it was epic
  11. Do you have any pictures of the car, exterior, interior and under hood that you can post?
  12. That's what I did some years ago!
  13. lschuc


    That would have been George Dimitsas with Olympus Avanti who had made and sold stainless steel hog troughs/torque boxes. He moved to Sevierville, Tennessee about 10-15 years ago. He only had them made and sold, but not installed. Olympus Avanti ads and contact information are in Avanti Magazine. His ad still lists the torque boxes.
  14. Whoever buys this, I'll send a photo from the Indy 500!!
  15. No longer listed on Craigslist in Oregon. Must have been sold.
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