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Everything posted by Footer

  1. These gizmos work good if you get the right size Mike https://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-08-0182-Cable-Luber/dp/B0012TYX9W
  2. I had a black 75 Monte Carlo that I repainted, wet sanded, clear coated, and polished. It was a nice car but I rubbed it down with Mequire’s Mirror Glaze every weekend and kept it clean. Black is beautiful if done right but it takes a lot of upkeep to stay that way. Don’t have the energy for that anymore!
  3. So did Tanda have issues with fit because of aftermarket bars or are the factory bars difficult to work with?
  4. A shoutout to Leo for the nice feature article in the latest Avanti Magazine. Beautiful car! Mike
  5. I leave my link for the forum on my favorites, go directly to it and bypass the AOAI home page.
  6. Were the heavier bars a factory option, and if so why wouldn’t they be an easy swap? I bought a set for my car but haven’t installed them yet. Thanks, Mike
  7. From Bob Johnstone’s site: https://studebaker-info.org/TW/tw0478/tw0478R3.html Mike
  8. Suppose there is a Pacer club somewhere? When was the last time you saw one at a car show? And there were 10 times more of them than Avantis? Mike
  9. Pictures in Bob Johnstone’s Avanti registry show my 83 with a moonroof, but somewhere along the line it was removed, possibly by previous owner Mike Valent of Florida. He has passed and I haven’t been able to find any history on the car, but whoever did the work did a very good job. I think Nostalgic still has roof skins available, but then there is the headliner to contend with. Mike
  10. Here’s an article in a recent Avanti Magazine. Mike https://www.nostalgicmotorcars.net/uploads/1/2/4/8/124888690/nostalgic_cooloff_v2_aoai203__1_.pdf
  11. Footer


    I had the same problem, ended up up wiring in resistors on each side. Lights are brighter but probably draws more than just having incandescents. Mike
  12. I’m 6’5 (or I used to be before I had both knees replaced). To get in my 83 with Ricarros I put my butt in first, then roll my legs in. Once in, plenty of leg room for me. Is there a club near Raleigh where Jeff could go check some out? Mike
  13. Thom, did you get the info I emailed? Mike
  14. Ok Thom, give me a little time, I have a couple days of cutting hay but I’ll try and get them scanned for you. Mike
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