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    Deer Park Washington

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  • My Avanti
    1983 RQB 3771

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  1. Beautiful Stefan. Interesting rear view mirror, haven’t seen one like that. Mike
  2. Dan Booth at Nostalgic has info on sealing the windshield, you might give him a call. Mike
  3. Footer

    Avanti Dyno!

    Just out of curiosity, are there any three speed manuals out there?
  4. Well there may be someone somewhere who knows but apparently they aren’t on this forum. Mike
  5. I have a set of black 25th anniversary dash pieces for my 83. The instrument panel is flat and needs to be bent. Something one needs to get right the first time! Mike
  6. And how did you get the bends in the dash panel? Or did you cut them and glue them?
  7. Sorry, I don’t remember the brand. Think I got them off Amazon a few years ago. Seems like there are lots of choices at Amazon and even auto parts stores. Kind of a trial and error thing. Maybe someone recently replaced their bulbs without radio issues and flasher issues that can weigh in. Mike
  8. Ron I replaced my tail/brake lights with LEDs, even converted the backup lights to 1157s and replaced the front turn signals. No radio interference. I did have to put resistors on each side as the NAPA LED flasher didn’t blink. A fairly simple trial and error test might be to install a different pair of LEDs. Mike
  9. I came across the original Owner Service Policy and some other original paperwork for 63R2696. Originally sold in LA, Bob Johnstone lists the last owner as Roland Vardon of Ontario, Canada. White, R2, 4spd, 410 TT. I’d be glad to mail the stuff to the current owner if he can be located. Thanks, Mike
  10. I wanted more brake/tail light presence on my 83 so I replaced the backup lights in the trunk with red lenses and bought a couple lights off Amazon for backups. I maybe gave up a little originality for what I hope is a little more safety. The backup lights are way more effective that the originals.
  11. Thanks Dwight Sounds like a worthwhile project. I’ve heard that replacing the front bar can be a challenge, but sounds like the rear can be too. One thing we really don’t have in the Avanti world are how to YouTube videos. The workshop manual helps but YouTube has saved my butt many times on different projects. Mike
  12. Grant, got any photos to go with your project? Mike
  13. You just have to wonder what could have been if Studebaker had held on for a few more years. Getting Avanti production smoothed out and with their economy minded Larks with the looming gas crises on the horizon maybe things would have been different. Mike
  14. Footer


    Article on brake fluid. https://www.nostalgicmotorcars.net/uploads/1/2/4/8/124888690/tech_article_brake_fluids.pdf
  15. Thanks Grant. Let us know how it goes. I have a set of bigger bars I’d like to tackle. Will you be able to drive your car to see the difference the bars make or do you have other work to do? Interesting to hear from anyone who has installed the bigger bars if they like the results. Mike
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