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Over two hundred Studebaker employees made a trip to Indy in 1962 to witness the '500', and view the event's 'honorary pace car' AVANTI!......Who sponsored this trip?


I'm going to take a real shot in the dark here - was it Molded Fiberglas Company (the manufacturers of the Avanti body)?


I'm going to take a real shot in the dark here - was it Molded Fiberglas Company (the manufacturers of the Avanti body)?

Excellent guess,...but that's not it!............(HINT...A STUDEBAKER-connected organization)


I'm guessing Paxton Products.

Good guess!...but not the right answer!


My guess is STP.

STP makes sense,.....but that's not the correct answer either!


My guess is Filmways, The producers of the Mr. Ed Show

Another good choice,.....but Filmways is not the correct answer either!.....Anyone else want to give this one a try?


My second guess is the airline owned by Studebaker (T something A).

I know the airline. BUT CAN'T THINK OF ITS NAME EITHER!!!.....But no Gary, good guess, but not correct.


THE ANSWER IS: ....(drum roll here please)..........THE STUDEBAKER ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION!

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