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Nationals in Michigan


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Hi to all and thanks to everyone that attended the meet in Detroit. It was my first Avanti meet and I had a GREAT time. I would like to Thank everyone that attended for making me feel so comfortable and welcome. A special thanks to Harvey Snitzer for running a fantastic event. I would also like to thank John Hull for all his help and information. I had a fantastic time and all the attendees were friendly and enjoyable to talk with. After my fist experience with this event I will be attending every possible meet that I can make . Once again THANKS to all involved in putting this event together and all that attended. An appreciative Avanti owner - Rich








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This post was recognized by lschuc!

"Great review of this year's national meet by co-director Harvey"

GoldAvantiII was awarded the badge 'Superstar' and 15 points.

Rich, thanks so much for your kind words. We enjoyed meeting you and your sharp '04 and your doggie too!

The AOAI 2024 Detroit National Meet was a huge success with 74 Registrants and 37 Avantis on the field.
The 7 Seminars were well attended and the Silent Auction - once again - featured quality items with nearly every donation sold.
The McLaren Engineering/Roush Museum Tours were attended by 45+ AOAI Members in 22 vehicles (13 Avantis).
The bus trip to an all day tour of The Henry Ford Museum was enjoyed by 47 Meet Attendees.
With several Avantis trailered to the event, the longest driven Avanti was from Colorado, adding over 1,400 miles to his odometer.
Avantis were also driven to the Meet from Wisconsin, New Jersey, Quebec Canada and, of course, from near-by states.
While many of the 37 Avantis displayed were '63 & '64 Studebaker Avantis, Avanti II was well represented; a local member brought his black '90 4-Door Avanti. A rare grouping of 5 Seaton/Kelly era (2002-2007) Avantis were included.
People's Choice, Hotel Employee Choice, and Best of Show awards were presented at  Friday's award banquet. All awards included the owner's name and Avanti VIN - thanks to the Tom Goesch magic.
True to AOAI's international membership, attendees came from Vancouver BC Canada were joined by their New Zealand family.
We also had AOAI Members from Texas, Oregon, Kansas, Florida, and Washington state. The Host Hotel hosted a public car show on Saturday with a DJ and a Food Vendor serving a variety of Mediterranean dishes.
Our host hotel, Embassy Suites-Livonia is located in a secure area; the 19 mile driving tour to McLaren & Roush was uneventful.
Thanks to all who attended the 2024 AOAI Detroit National Meet. We hope that you had a great experience that you will share with your Avanti associates, friends, neighbors, and unsuspecting passers-by.   ................  Bill Kruger & I look forward to seeing everyone again next year in Pennsylvania  ...... Harvey






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