As I noted when this video was posted on Facebook, it's interesting that despite the fact that the facts surrounding Studebaker's withdrawal from the automobile industry are very well known, people keep making videos and creating histories about the company that are full of incorrect info, rumors, and wishful thinking. There have been several very well-documented books that chronicle the history of Studebaker Corporation, with particular emphasis on the post-WWII period and the Avanti gamble. The most authoritative is "Studebaker, The Life and Death of an American Corporation" by Donald Critchlow, University of Indiana Press, 1996. Critchlow had access to the minutes of the board meetings, the financial records, the car production data, and the personal recollections of those who were there at the time -- so he was able to document every decision that the company made. As Gunslinger said above, GM had nothing to do with it.