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Everything posted by aardvark

  1. Hey Gold? Wanna go out for a Run Tomorrow,? Bring yer Camara !
  2. Gold. Thanks for the feedback. Nice Quote.. Yeah. I fell into the purchase I made. It came available and I jumped on it immediately. I wasn't searching for one, it just appeared and I knew instinctively the pricing was low, and after some short research I glom'ed on it. . So It arrived and I found a few minor issues needing addressed like the front bumper needing a repaint, a door hinge no good, and some small scratches in the clear-coat. All easily serviceable items. She's got 40k miles on Her. 3 years is a long wait for one,..I hope ya come up with something.. Availability is sparse and pricing (to me) is an unknown, since they are widely misunderstood,,, even unknown by the general Car Buying Public. So I'll hold to my $50k ballpark and someday in the future, lI'll list it for that,, What will it bring? I don't have to let it go and won't accept less than $45-46k after my repairs are done to Her. She can stay here for years for all I care. I have not as of yet gotten ANY negative responses. If I do, I have to assume it would come from Studie Purists. Owning a '63' R2 Avanti. I could claim, anything after '64' isn't really a Studie... It's a GM Based car.... But that would be narrow minded and discounting efforts that led up to what I own now. I look at the Production Numbers... This one is 1 out of 53 in 4 years (or 1 out of 11-13ish in '02'.) A quick personal experience at 2 different Store Locations.... 1 at Walmart and the 2nd at Ingles Food Store. ... I don't park in their parking lots. I'll pull up to the front of the store and stay in the car as Wifey goes in and does Her thing. Both times the car has been flooded with people of all ages and genders wondering what the car is. Then the Phone Cameras come out. The conversations get extensive and always to the point of me describing the car in detail.....I normally will do a few local venue Car Shows, but that hasn't happened yet. This should be interesting this year. Canton Mich? My old stomping grounds... I'm originally from Taylor. MI... After numerous moves, I'm now in a different Canton (in NC). Dan O'
  3. I tend to see it a little different. My '63' R2 is one of 800ish produced with a supercharger. The sales prices are all over the board, and Hemmings is showing good examples (say a 8 out of 10) with reasonably low mileage selling in the $35k range. There are many sold cheaper but you get what you pay for and will spend up on fixing and buying parts for them, ..Thus You'll have a good chunk out in doing so. IF Ya want one done needing nothing, the $35k range is what to expect. Then we come into this model ('01'-'07'). Mine is an '02'. They made about 11 to 13 of them. 53 in all over '01'- '05'. The Trans Am versions (which I've been following) are up for sale... if you can even find one... for $50-59k.... some have been offered low ball offers (like $32k) and have been refused... Some get thru and must be from desperate sellers for less. I don't know the condition of those sold since the info out there is sparse. My guestimate is they should be priced around Mid to Hi $40's in a '9 out of 10' condition with low miles. IF a Buyer wants something bad enough, and the market is extremely limited in availability, they will pay up... there is no other choice. That's obvious while watching the Auctions, with a reserve on. Those unsold at Auctions, many times are sold after the Auction ends. Many times the Buyer/Seller can't come together to seal a deal. In my case. I have no need to be desperate or take a low ball offer from someone trying to get something for 30-40% off the asking price. This car can sit for a number of years for all I care. It will come out this year and go to car shows with a 'For Sale' sign on it for $50k. The response on This car has been stunning by the general publics responses from all ages of people, men and women alike.. It expect be the same or more when at the shows. The shows are not my demographic to sell as this Forum isn't either.. Here. we are looking for low ball deals.. (I did). I would take $45k reluctantly, to make a buyer think they did good. Hey, I have a '82' Porsche 928. It's proposed selling price is around $40k. I love the 70 Mach 1's but they are bringing $80-90-100k.. (too rich for my blood)...and the Production numbers are not low like this model And don't get me started on the Chrysler Muscle.. that has gone insane. There are those who are very well off. and IF they see what they want, they're down on it.... I'm in this for the love of the Cars but it is all a Business Transaction and nothing more. I buy em right, enjoy em, and move to the next deal..IF I didn't do this, I couldn't afford to own any of these vehicles. I'm in a financial class where any hobby I take on MUST pay off. So the Buying/Selling decisions are critically thought thru, and not done out of a love or lust for the products. (wish it didn't have to be that way).
  4. If there is a market and they are not available, that adjusts the pricing. I'm not so sure the market is that small either. I have people from all age and statuses fawning over this car. Other vehicles I've owned have never had a reaction like this.
  5. Gold!!...Others I tried to get in touch with John Hull, via this site. No response. I am trying to find out if there are records of how many were made in my year (02)....His book is vague on yearly production numbers (last page). My question is only partially answered in His book that 53 Units were made between 2001-5. So doing the simple math, that tells me that 53 cars/5years = 11cars a year, But I know that is not the method of determining the ''real number''. Maybe if You are in contact with John, You might ask that question... .... Hope John is good. Heard He had a tornado hit His house.. The above point goes into the rarity and possible valuation. I saw one on Haggerty listed for $59k. It didn't say it sold (I assume it didn't) I've seen offers of $32k turned down in this forum. So to me, the Value needs to be somewhere in-between. These cars are soooo rare, the price (to me) should be sitting well over $40k. I wouldn't sell mine for less than $50k.... but I'm not interested in selling so it would take '''$$ Big Bucks $$''' to pry the title outa my grasping hands. They sold new for around $60k. I can't believe the price has dropped significantly. Thanks for the info on the Disks Color. Yes, they are bright yellow. and quite large. They really don't match the color of the car, and stand out Big Time. Also the info on the Magnaflow.. I have a few items to go thru. The front bumper paint is a mess and theres one deep scratch on the passenger quarter panel. Got a good body shop for those items. The drivers seat showed a little wear, I took a black Marks-a -lot and went over the distressed areas... Solved the problem. So I set the Trip Odo to keep track of the miles I drive her. So far 200 miles. The car has just over 40k on the clock.,..I want to keep that number down. Happy Motoring!! Dan O'
  6. 12 points was a loss of drivers license. Commonly I always was at 8 to 10 points and then cooled it for a year, let the points drop off some and continued my fast driving habits. My collector cars (2 of em) are on Grundy. They are under full coverage for a value of $35k.. Costs about $300 per yr for each, Before my time... mid to late 60's, they raced on an abandoned airstrip at Detroit Metro. That ended when a guy flipped his car and died. ....Then the Cars moved up to Telegraph Road around 6 - 7 mile. we met at a K-Mart with a Taco Stand off to the right side. I went into the Military and came back. It all changed and was more of a car/truck/van show.. no more racing. It kinda saddened me, but times were changing. Stacy, thanks for the Memories.
  7. Stacy. I also worked at Metro (DET) and Ypsilanti (YIP). for Air Freight Co's...Years later in Chi-town I worked at O'Hare (ORD). . Did ya ''Road Race'' on Telegraph Road? We did in a 600hp 71 Stang...Every Saturday night we all met up and staged races on the 3 lane, south bound... The Detroit Cops were concentrating on the East Side, but occasionally showed up.. We would all scatter and come back in 15 minutes when they left. Hundreds of cars showed up... Lotta money was bet. We never did Gratiot Ave. I'd say... Small world, but then again, You are 2/3rds away across the Country. Not so small !
  8. Stacy. I grew up in 'Taylor' Tucky, (as it was referred to). Graduated in '73' went into the Military and then came home, graduated from Henry Ford Comm College. Left for Chi-town in '82'...Moved down here to the Smoky Mtn's, in N.C. in '12'. Even as a Kid, it was known not to go to Mo-Town alone, and never at night. The Riots were in '67'. It went downhill after that. I'm not a racial person by any stretch but if You are the 10%tile White Boy, ya watch Your back. Even Taylor and Dearborn went downhill and Hi Crime... But it WAS the ''Motor City'' and named that appropriately. That said, the Only way I'm going to Detroit these days is headed to the Tunnel or Bridge..in route to Windsor., It was fun as a Kid in the 60's and 70'd seeing the Cars being introduced.. Lotta muscle and much more when the owners started modifying.
  9. Sorry to see any Venue go down... That said, growing up in Mo-Town, there ain't no way in this day / age, I would EVER spend time in Detroit or my other home town Chi-Town. Unless Your very "street savvy" Ya don't belong there... Hey, as a Young Man I spent time going to the COBO Shows and enjoyed them.. Times have changed, and even as a raised Citified Kid, I won't go back. Crime and violence has taken over. I currently Build Tiny Homes...We live 120 miles out of Atlanta. One of the big Tiny Home Venues is on the east side of ATL... A Hi Crime area. I won't attend.
  10. Thanks. The info is helpful.
  11. Huh... Very interesting... Thanks for that .. Gun.. Also the AIR Pump was removed... I thought that was done to accomodate the Mag Exhaust for some reason. How about Yellow Avanti stamped brake calipers?
  12. EXCELLENT !!! Glad it came thru for you. ... Wait till ya drive it.. Can I ask what ya paid? I'm trying to get Comps for the Insurance Co. Likewise, I have a few items needing addressed by a Local Body Shop... My front bumper needs stripped and re-sprayed and there is a deep scratch on one Quarter panel.. A speaker grill needs re-glued in. Other than that. near perfection. Mine came with a Magnaflow Exhaust System...I highly doubt that was stock. Brake Calipers are yellow and have Avanti on them... Dunno if that is stock.
  13. Yeah Gold...,, it threw me. The Mfg'r Is Avanti, Corp,, and the Car is a Studebaker. Seems Bass-Ackwards , eh? So to me, this answers the Posts question.... until R3 Forward introduced His door tag (above).
  14. Dwight.. Makes sense, but I don't have any covers (or Bumperettes) other than the chromed versions on the car. Thus if I'm ending up buying em, I might as well pay up. but not the $600+ the other Co's is advertising for.
  15. Thank You Sir...
  16. Folks, I have 2 choices,.. My existing 63 R2 Valve covers are chrome and rusty. (so are my Bumper-ettes on both front and back) I could have them re-chromed ...OR...buy new ones. Do Y'all have any sources for buying new ones? I'm flatlining on my search.
  17. Well. Mine came in. Actually I've had Her now for 1 1/2 months. ... Regarding the pricing on these, I wouldn't let Her go for under $50k. I saw one offered for $59k on Hemmings (dunno about the status of sale, or if it happened.).. We gotta understand , to the best of my research it seems there were only around 11 to 13 cars sold new per year. I can't confirm this and have another posting trying to figure the production numbers out, per year. John Hulls Book.."Avanti the complete story'' (last page) gives. a number of 53 units from '01 thru '05'. ... I've tried reaching out to John to see if He had further info... No response back. The car is attractive to all ages and viewers... a funny story.... We (wife and I) went Grocery Shopping in Her.... (Yes.... that day it was a ''Grocery Getter").. I sat in front of the Store since NO WAY was I going to leave the car in a crowded parking lot. So I sat close to the doors of the Store and waited some 15 minutes for Wifey to come back. 4 separate individuals wandered over to ask "What Is This?"...We all talked and it went into a photo session .. FINALLY Wifey came out and we left.... The people who stopped and talked were from all age spectrums. My point is, this wasn't a car show or a venue for vehicles. This is a daily happening when this car goes out for a run. Being rare in numbers and unique in interest , this cars value is due to go up.
  18. Gold Avanti III Did Your Car get delivered?.... Mine came thru on Jan 15th. What a night and day difference from my '63' to the '02'....This /02 is a powerhouse and seems to handle quite well.. At age '69', I'm not into pushing it to the limits in the NC Mountain Twisties but it does cut a curve very well. Apparently the previous owner did some small things... A 'Magnaflow' Exhaust system and they removed the AIR Pump. I suspect these changes added about 30hp. So it went from ~345hp to ~375 hp?.. They also upgraded the Stereo. I love Both the '63' R2 and this new model... Hard to choose which one to fire off for a run. Both have their attributes and strong points.
  19. John Hull. Hope Your doing well. I heard of a House fire? Sorry for the time delay in asking this. I've read Your book... a great compilation...It lists on the last page that 2001-5 there were 53 Units Built. Then the Ford units.... This disagrees with a site... TheAvanati.com who is claiming far greater numbers... I Bow to Your knowledge base since You were involved with the Co. So If i divide the numbers produced (53ish) by the 5 years. That brings the number produced to around 11 units or so per year.. Being conservative I'll call it 13, since more or less per year could have been assembled. Is My thought process logical and was Production that consistent?? If you have deeper info, I would love to hear.
  20. It's all part of internet communications. Sift thru the crap and avoid it... then the rest is gravy.
  21. There for a while I was getting e-mails from friends and family who never sent them. I immediately after reading them and knowing they would never say these things., I contacted em and told them their E-mail system was compromised. I never responded to any of those e-mails. Most all of the garbage e-mails go to my Junk File. I review the titles and names sine once in a while they are real and not spammers trying to sell me stuff. I then drag, drop the good ones into my inbox. It takes the good ones and puts them into a permanent status in the Inbox file. The rest are dumped and eliminated without reading them. I'm getting 30-40 Junk E-s a day. I trash em all.
  22. Thanks for supplying this....R3 Forward. Likewise I have a '63' R2.. My '02' is new to me and I'm just trying to find out info on it.
  23. Oh, It's not a Prince in Prison with multi $$mills trying to get You to post bail ... In return He would share His wealth? Yeah, watch out for these things.
  24. So the first 3 were called the AVX's what is the name of the Production Models. Are they also considered AVX's? After '64' The Avanti II was introduced and thus called that. What is my '02' model referred to be? Just an Avanti by Studebaker?
  25. What are the production numbers to the '02' Avanti? I can't answer this and was hoping someone else here had some insight.
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