Ok, lets go over this really well. Your 83 model came with the original GM CCC Computer control system that includes an HEI electronic ignition, various sensors, the CCC electric quadrajet carb and a computer mounted under the glove box from the factory. The system controls the fuel mixture, ignition timing and the 200R4 automatic transmission lock up converter. If you decide to remove the system and replace the carburator and distributor from a non CCC vehicle, your lockup converter function of the transmission will no longer work, unless you add a manual switch to engage it. I have an 82 model which has the same system on it. When purchased, the check engine light was on and the engine didn't run very well. After rebuilding the CCC Quadrajet using parts from "quadrajet power store", replacing the O2 sensor and replacing all the vacuum lines, it now starts and runs very well.