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Everything posted by Mark63Avanti

  1. Are the valve seals the same?
  2. And I believe the first quiet tone muffler was installed on 63R 1423. My Avanti was built before the quiet tone was introduced so I tell my wife that I can't install them. The excuse has worked so far.
  3. The other was New Jersey.
  4. I copied the picture from some Loewy prints of Studebaker cars. Sure would have been neat if the Corvette had some early competition.
  5. I think DWR46 hit it on the head. Modern oil is formulated for modern cars. If you're running a flat tappet engine there probably should be some zinc in the oil, whether it comes in the oil or you add it. Adding treatments to your oil changes the chemistry. I'm not putting many miles on my Stude so I change the oil once a season. For what it's worth, I've watched the Youtube videos by The Motor Oil Geek. I found them interesting and informative regarding the oil stock and the additives in the formulations. In some cases additional oil additives can negate the effect of the additives the oil company puts in. When I bought my Avanti, the seller had converted it to roller rockers and wrote an article about it in the 1992 winter/spring issue of AOAI magazine. As far as swipes at governmental regulations, I sure wish they'd stop. How many people are still upset they took the lead out of gasoline? Maybe there's a reason kids are smarter today, just saying.
  6. A fella really should have this tattooed on his body, somewhere you can see it every day. But if you fall in love with the Avanti (or Studebaker or any other car) then you're in for a treat.
  7. I think Gunslinger deserves the prize for this question. I lose again! I did see a 1950's Studebaker for sale that had a full flow engine made to look like an older engine (for the appearance of the car).
  8. so the answer is "no" or "false" or some other negative.....
  9. Is this asking can you install a plate where the full flow filter would be and simply run the engine that way?
  10. But no external marking on the car that it was R3. You would have to look under the hood or peek at the dash (tachometer).
  11. So I stumped myself with my own question? This trivia game is brutal.
  12. Does it have to be a car Studebaker actually made or can I vote for the sports car that never made it past a clay model?
  13. Very cool. I'd call it a "Project in Progress".
  14. So these cars were labeled "Supercharged" with no factory identifiers. Probably too late in the game for something like that.
  15. If they're swiping it off the Avanti for an early Cadillac then the aluminum timing gear?
  16. I'm a little gun shy on these true/false questions. It seems there's so many answers that I never get it right. My thinking is that the only difference from 55-64 (other than R engines) was the later full flow engine. My assumption is that they didn't have to make changes to the pan to make it full flow, so I will say true.
  17. I'm going to say "no" because the R engine pistons were flat top.
  18. Beginning with the start of the New Year I'm going to reduce the traveling weight of my Avanti by going on a diet.....
  19. If I had seen the question earlier Sherwood Egbert would have been my first choice. He threw himself into saving Studebaker and the Avanti pointed towards the direction a young and vibrant America expressed. Harold Churchill worked magic for a brief time but he came up through the engineering ranks. Albert Erskine tried to move Studebaker in the direction of a low cost/ high volume maker but bankrupted the company. It took son-in-law Fish to move the family in the direction of automobiles in the first place. I suppose Egbert could be considered a prototypical corporate turnaround specialist a la what the 1980's saw but I think he was the spark that Studebaker strangely lacked.
  20. A question, were these the same carbs as used on the R2 engines?
  21. I thought it was fawn/red
  22. R4892 was restored by Dave and WCD Garage. They're sprinkling their fairy dust still on my Avanti. It never really ends, does it?
  23. Yes to ERISA, another positive government program, protecting the little guy. A lot of people at Studebaker didn't just lose their jobs....
  24. Wow, looks like the bottoms of my old MatchBook cars!
  25. Looks like you're new here? I'm not sure I understand what you are describing. When you pull the hood release inside the car, the hood doesn't pop up?
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