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Everything posted by aardvark

  1. Joemama .. Your going to have to be more interactive if You want to sell this car.
  2. Understand... Thanks
  3. I followed that auction. It jumped quick within an hour from $35k to $56k. I was actually shocked at the end result... Good since I own the same model.
  4. Thanks MFG. It showed well. I was wondering how it would be received. It was a last minute decision to roll in and set up.
  5. Local Car Show... ...Called ‘’Cars and Cornmeal” because the show is held at a working '1820’s Grist Mill. This location is out in the Country outside of Waynesville, N.C.. About 75-100 Vehicles showed up. Only 1 person out of ~75 even knew what My car was. Most never realized the car was ever in production. I spent almost all conversations explaining just what I had here. (this was unlike my 928 Porsche where only 3 people even asked about that car.) So the first pix is an overall view of only 1/4 of the area. My Car was set up in a spot where visitors entered into the Show.It was an overcast day, but when the sun got harsh, I opted for a shade tree. It was a good time… Good ’60’s Music and BBQ.
  6. Dwight... no mention if there is even a title.
  7. Joe... What year is the Avanti? Any photos?
  8. KOOL... Just give me a days heads up.
  9. Ron, I'm sorta surprised You aren't getting a response or answers on this topic. There is a Re-apolstery shop in Canton N.C.,, for Automotive stuff. He does seats but not things like door skins. Your seats weren't too bad for using as a starting point. It might just be a place to check out. The shop is a fenced in lot on the west side of Canton....where the road splits at the traffic light. He has a Attack Poodle like mine (will lick your leg off.).
  10. I agree, in a ''perfect sellers" world, we would all like to see a project car go to someone able (financially physically, etc) to bring the car back to it's original glory. But the reality is, as sellers, we just want to get cashed out and don't have the option so much to choose a Buyer.
  11. Man, I don't know if my opinion is worth much here, What I see/read wrong is 54 years of sitting and a few years in outside in Northern climate is sounding like a lot of resto going forward. You've got a good parts car or from someone far more ambitious than me a resto. So maybe $4 to 5k and expect to get beaten down on that price.
  12. Then You probably need to spread Your search out to other years and options. I've bought 2 Avanti's over a Years Time. My needs here are far different than Texas... for sure. One I bought off of Hemmings and it was advertised elsewhere as well.. the other came from this site.
  13. Pretty specific things your looking for. I suggest You scan thru the ones for sale here.
  14. NOOOOOOO !
  15. There are plenty in the For Sale section. Take time to go thru the listings.
  16. Sorry if I'm disruptive.. My concerns are for us elderly members who will be visiting Motown. I grew up in that area.
  17. Stacy... We've discussed this before...but.. Wifey doesn't want to wear a flak vest? Ya know, growing up around areas like that, ya develop a "street sense" and avoid areas of trouble, The hair on Your neck stands up and ya move along. My prayer/desire is for those who didn't grown up like that will be safe since they are not ''street savvy''. These folks just blindly enter into bad situations. The best of my understanding this Hotel is in Livonia, which at one time was a fairly safe community. The Problem is the event has road tours into bad areas. I LOVED the Henry Ford Museum, in Dearborn, but that area at this time has gone heavily Muslim, and sorta in a corrupted way...(Hey, Y'all believe as Ya wish..just don't get violent with me).... I do understand there is a South Bend. Indiana Meet in May..That would be a consideration, since it is the birthplace of Studie.
  18. I sorta gave my answer about attending, on another thread where they said the meet-up was cancelled, So now it looks like it's back on. Sorry to be a downer here folks but the area is totally unsafe and under Policed. as would be Chicago or Atlanta or any other ''out of control'' City-Scape. Also what I'm not seeing is an address where this Hotel is at and IF that is where the venue is being staged. And a Detroit Driving Tour? No thanks. That's just asking for a Car-Jacking at gunpoint.. I grew up in the Detroit Burbs.. Since 1967 when the Riots happened that City still hasn't recovered and the homicide rate is thru the roof... as well as other crimes. Homicides exceed Chicago and Atlanta by a good margin when calc'ed by ''X'#'s per 1000 of population. Why Y'all aren't setting this up in the Burbs like Pontiac where the Police at least have some control is beyond me. So for the reason of Personal Safety and Property Theft, I won't be attending. ....... I might add... If Ya want the Studie Experience, why isn't this being held in South Bend, Indiana. The Home of Studebaker?
  19. r' Very familiar with the ''Tail". It's about 10 miles from me. Only dislike I have is it's gotten so busy ya can't get on it. AND ...Rt-276 is as long and twisty as the 'Tail'... good part, nobody knows about Rt-276 and it's just down the road (2 mi's) from my House. On that Morning eExcursion I only saw 2 cars during the whole time out...That'll change with Tourist Season coming up. I always ask'...''It's Tourist Season? What's the Bag limit?" (Gets strange looks OR laughs..)
  20. Thanks. Stacey.. Our Mountains reach 6000 to 6500 ft, but I live around 3450 el. Ya get above 4000 ft., here, Your in the so called ''snow zone''.. That's as tall as we get here, east of the Mississippi River. It was fun getting up the Mountains on the Twisties and pushing Her a bit, and I had to share with My Bro's.
  21. I am a Facebook person (due to Business,,, I hate it) but it only shows the aoai info and no info on the car itself.
  22. Thanks John Hull for the Info supplied in the Trivia section... Dan O'
  23. Hey John....Thank You Sooooo Much. I knew if there was someone out there (you) the numbers could be dug up somehow. Even as just a memory. Glad you actually have substantial records... This means a lot to me.. I'm a little anal about records I keep on a few of My Collector Cars. This Info will go into my file for this car, and added to the last page of Your Book. Again... Thanks... Yes, YES ""YES!!!" Dan O' Oh, By the way, My car is in a new Posting in the 2001-2007 section of the forum.. I took Her up to the Blue Ridge Parkway a few days ago for a run in the Twisties.
  24. Being we live about 6 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, here in the Western area of north Carolina. , it was time to Run This Baby Out! Rt-276 our main road down around 2500 ft elev. is quite the challenge IF ya wanna play. It s a very curvy road with a few switchbacks and some real Road Challenges. 15mph the next 4 miles??/ Phhhhtt...LETS ROLL !!! I hit em all at about 45 50mph with the tires near chirping. We arrived at the Top at about 5500 ft elev. We stopped at a Scenic Lookout called Sliding Rock. Now it was time for the Scenery and the feel of running up around the 60mph mark on the Parkway (speed limit about 40ish, since the road is also twisty with major drop offs IF ya screw up) We stopped in at the Pisgah Inn and had a light breakfast. Then it's time to repeat the run in reverse...and back to home. We stopped at one of the Hundreds of Waterfalls around here, for a quick Pix,,, an then rolled home. That was My first hard road test for this 2002 Avanti. It passed with a 98% grade and a smile.
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