Yes, Studebaker made running changes and documented them by serial number in the Avanti Parts Catalog (a must-have for what you're doing). Notice your car's serial number; it contains no year designation, as did all other Studebakers. In fact, initially, Avantis DID include the model year in their serial number, starting with the first 1963 Avanti, 63R-1001. Somewhere in the 3 thousands they removed the year from the Avanti's SN.
Those of us who have been Avanti fans since they were new generally refer to the round headlight cars as '63s, and the square headlight cars as '64s. But, that isn't exactly precise. The transition cars that had round headlights but mostly-64 interiors are considered by many to be '64s. The SNs of those cars are about what yours is.
If you want to be authentic you should go by your car's SN to determine these issues in consultation with your Avanti Parts Catalog.
Years ago, I did a thorough mechanical rebuild of a '63 Avanti and had my nose in my Avanti Parts Catalog many times. I also had taken many pictures of engine compartments of authentic '63 Avantis at Studebaker shows. These were of invaluable help for things like the curvature of vacuum lines, type of fittings, etc. I also had to re-create the return-line fitting as you are doing. I can't recall the details, though, and the car is inaccessible.
Good luck. Any of us on the AOA website (and SDC website) will be glad to help with any further issues.