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    Studebakers, of course. German Shepherds and fishing somewhere in Vineyard Sound

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  1. I always count it as good day if I've learned something new!
  2. Looks like StudeRich on the SDC website back in April of 2022. He says that Studebaker of California (NOS Stude parts) and a repair shop Studebaker Parts & Repair were in the same building but not affiliated. Studebaker of California then sold/moved to Indiana while the repair shop continued. According to his post the owner of the repair shop retired with the shop continuing but moving to its new location and changing its name to Studebaker Restoration LTD.
  3. Should be available from the Studebaker National Museum. Lots of data/information, well worth the purchase. .
  4. According to the Avanti production data 537 Deluxe seats were ordered in 1963 out of a total Avantis built of 3,834 or 14 %.
  5. Hastings was up the road in Michigan. I going with Hastings.
  6. Very cool. Thanks for the info!
  7. And the colors were?
  8. Then I certainly wouldn't pick #3 at 30% either. My final answer is 40%!
  9. I'm going to guess it's B6. My understanding is that Paxton only built a little more than 100 complete engines and I seem to recall "B" numbered engines numbered at least to B109 (if memory serves). Just a wild guess.
  10. Another question: Another question: When you say a "frame produced at Studebaker, South Bend" what do you mean by this? I thought frames were made by Budd and sent to South Bend. Second Question: Who's "Armor Guard" frame tagline was it? I believe I've seen this used in Studebaker literature.
  11. John: I did not know this about the first units being made by Midland Ross. Are there any books or articles that go into this further? I would like to know more of the Avanti "origin story".
  12. That was a DITWTT question. (Deep in the Woods Trivia Territory). I have my supercharger out to repaint it and could't resist checking it out. As the saying goes; a picture is worth a thousand words.
  13. I count four.
  14. I thought the mirrors were a dealer installed option with both the door and fender as factory assigned positions. The mirrors mounted on the door look more modern to my eye. From the Studebaker Authenticity Manual
  15. I thought the mirrors were a dealer installed option with both the door and fender as factory assigned positions. The mirrors mounted on the door look more modern to my eye.
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