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    Perth,Western Australia

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  1. 3
  2. I did many years ago, it seemed fine. Unfortunately the completed dash is still sitting under my bed waiting installation but the pad went on quite well. Certainly less flexible than the new ones. Pb
  3. 1963r2

    R3 Spacers!

    Front coil spring.
  4. California
  5. Not yet, still working on my original car first. Hopefully I will get a chance soon. Have you made any progress?
  6. 1963r2

    Stude Roof!

    Having a Hawk and a Champ I would have to think the Avanti although I'm not sure what a Lark custom is. No windows or bows etc to pull out. Pb
  7. You could cut down a Lark one or are they different. Pb
  8. Loosen the 6 bolts where the hinge attaches to the door and slide it back. Hopefully there is enough movement left in the captive nuts to get the door where you need it. Pb
  9. 1963r2

    Avanti Glass!

    Grab an Avanti 2 door as well, I'm sure they are heavier.
  10. I thought I heard of one using a Nissan leaf
  11. A different spec auto gearbox? Not sure what the difference was. Pb
  12. Or double sided tape?
  13. 1963r2

    Avanti Knobs!

  14. Its normal.
  15. Click on the persons name to open up there profile and then look for the envelope symbol. Press that and you can send a PM. PS a very interesting topic, I get the feeling Anthony may have some interesting information. Peter
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