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About brad

  • Birthday 04/04/1960

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    Avanti's, Studebakers, any interesting vehicles, pets,family.....

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  1. brad

    Avanti Filters!

    I use the WIX white filter, and wipe off the printing with lacquer thinner, Paint the bottom portion with 'wrinkle texture' red paint, and use the repop Studebaker decals to make them look like a factory filter. But it's modern production and the filter medium isn't rotten and dried out, and there are no hidden insects in them. Never use a 60 year old consumable part when new is available. This goes for rubber parts too.
  2. brad

    R3 Numbers!

    I think B9 was the lowest #
  3. All the upper upholstery were panel card material, a dense cardboard. Covered in jute on the upper pieces, Cotton batting on the sides, and foam on the pieces on the doors, and upper 1/4 above the side panel where it rolls over the opening of the 1/4 window. The rear piece where the courtesy light is has the vinyl folded over the top only, then it was screwed to the body, then the jute glued then the remaining flap of vinyl glued to the body, and folded over the window openings (both the top of the 1/4 window, and the rear window).
  4. Found one, Thanks
  5. Need a Lionel Stone reproduction intake, not R3 sized. For project. Have a slightly taller Jeff Rice intake to trade.
  6. brad

    R3 Spacers!

    The steering box should have a lower mounting bolt that is slotted in the frame so it's shaft angle is adjustable to line up with the steering column. That is a good reason to keep the box to frame bolts loose when replacing the rag joint, and lower column bushing. Tighten the frame bolts last after so there is NO binding anywhere in the system.
  7. brad

    Real R3!

    Closer to 1 1/2"
  8. Air filter, and oil filter.
  9. Sure, roller cam too. And don't use 50 wt oil! With modern thin low tension rings, it will rev to the moon, and make more horsepower than you ever imagined!
  10. brad

    Adjusting doors

    The doors are not one adjustment at the mounting. That is they have room to loosen the bolts, and make adjustments then tighten the bolts.
  11. brad

    Avanti R5643!

    I worked on both these cars. The one in question hasn't run in many years. I wouldn't attempt it without going through it completely. The Turquiose one I recently refreshed the valvetrain.
  12. brad

    Stude Pans!

    55 was also the last year for the floating oil pickup tube. Earlier 232 oil pumps had spiral gears instead of spur gears.
  13. brad

    Avanti Oil!

    I built an engine with both the full flow and the by-pass filter on top. You can't have too clean oil in my opinion.
  14. Usually it is the mechanical sweep sticking on the ring magnet inside the tach. You will have to center the magnet, and set it with superglue. Usually they hit around 2500 RPM.
  15. A 67 would be the same as Studebaker versions. The outer rubber is replaceable and slides into the stainless channel. Available from SI. No need to reinvent the wheel.
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