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  1. I may sell a '64 Avanti cross member. I bought a real clean one, had it blasted & powder coated.Unfortunately, I have $200+ in it but will not recover all of that. LMK
  2. Anyone?
  3. Got one?
  4. Zed, have you found a solution? Perhaps I could buy a pair of sleeves here and sent therm? Couldn't cost much to ship and someone on that side of the planet should be able to manage them??
  5. Repopps were available but I chose to have mine sleeved. Cheaper & original
  6. Maybe she is going to restore it someday... 🤨
  7. Cool. East 1 day drive for me
  8. Excellent! Thanks for posting
  9. Must have been canceled. I mean, isn't this the club website??
  10. Wow. Sucks for Barb, she sounded like good people. Sucks for me but significantly less... Much negative karma abounds on this blasted R2... Sigh.
  11. Has anyone heard from C.A.R.S. or Barb lately? The phone # is not working. Hope I did not loose my deposit...
  12. It is definitely a leaky rear window. The hard part will be finding someone competent to replace the seal.
  13. My car has been living outside for a couple of months, not happy about it but them's the breaks. After finding a good deal of water in the trunk, I assumed it was getting in through the 60 year old rear window seal as the trunk seal and gutter look quite effective. Had not ruled out the trunk seal but it has been replaced. After drying out the trunk & sealing the window with painter's tape, there was still more water in the trunk. The tail light gaskets are very good so this has been ruled out as well. Am I missing something or does this all point to the trunk seal? She is making it difficult to keep loving her! Oh, the super awesome part... I have removed the painters tape. And with it came significant amounts of paint. Sigh.
  14. How?
  15. 215/70/15s on 6 inch wheels on mine. Nary a prob, and they fill the fenders nicely. I have always believed that this is about as much tire as a circa 1953 suspension & wimpy sway bars can really utilize anyhow? Additionally, try to find a "performance" tire in 15" today!
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