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Jim S

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About Jim S

  • Birthday 02/12/1956

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    Theodore, AL
  • Interests
    Travel, Studebakers, Camping

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  • My Avanti
    87 12AAV2220H1000059

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  1. So I ran an 8 gauge wire from the battery to a relay (near the switches in the console) that's triggered from the ignition switch. Once triggered, power and plenty of current is supplied to the switches and the motors. Now my windows glide effortlessly up and down all the way. My new circuit worked wonders.
  2. Thank- you. My windows move so slow and struggle to reach the top with me pulling up the glass. The glass is alligned with the tracks and the springs on the regulators are loaded tight. If I put a 12v battery directly to the motors, they fly up and down perfectly. My guess is they are not getting enough current. So I want to try relays with a thicker guage wire to see if that gives them a stronger push.
  3. Does anybody have a good wiring diagram for the power windows on an 87 or 88 hardtop or convertible? Would sure appreciate it.
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