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Everything posted by r1lark

  1. Now that you have gotten used to your new Avanti, check out the "Tail of the Dragon" in North Carolina, which is US129. Google it, it's not too far from you.
  2. Not knowing much about the Paxton blowers...........I'm going to say false. My reasoning is that removing springs will make the ball drive assembly even more likely to slip and damage the balls and races.
  3. Ok, let's try this. The vacuum/boost gauge, which is hooked to the engine -- the boost side of the gauge does nothing on a R1.
  4. I think he drove an Avanti.
  5. But they sure don't make any difference in how the engine runs (the engine will have proper operation even if you take the chrome plating off the parts and paint them). 🙂
  6. r1lark

    Avanti Seal!

    So, if the original style has NOT been reproduced, then your original question you posed is TRUE (like I said)!
  7. r1lark

    Avanti Seal!

    I'll take a shot at this and say true, since I would think that the current offerings (for example: https://avantiparts.biz/accelerator-pump-seal-r-2-avanti-lark-hawk/) are of a better design and material.
  8. Chrome on the valve covers, chrome on the valley cover, chrome on the engine oil dipstick, chrome on the air cleaner, chrome on the oil filler caps. Is this the stuff you mean?
  9. Mr. Addison, who I think was Wilbur's neighbor.
  10. Bill, a little off topic but.......................what size tires are you running on your '64 Daytona?
  11. They are from a '68/'69 Datsun 510, might have gone up into the early '70s. There are easily available reproductions, but the repros have two small screws that hold the lenses on, unlike the originals. For the repros, do a Google search on "1968 Datsun 510 side marker lights". Here are a pair of the repros for $25: https://zcardepot.com/collections/lights/products/side-marker-light-frotn-fender-510-1968-70 The vendor says they are slightly longer than the USA version. They also look slightly different in shape than the originals, at least to me. NOS is available from some of the Datsun parts vendors, but are somewhat pricey. Here are some on eBay, but you could also search the various Datsun 510 parts suppliers. A little more pricey than the repros: https://www.ebay.com/itm/112889815433?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=112889815433&targetid=1645685073288&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9009606&poi=&campaignid=20133407470&mkgroupid=147476396765&rlsatarget=pla-1645685073288&abcId=9312979&merchantid=113531919&gclid=CjwKCAiA9ourBhAVEiwA3L5RFr0EzSFQYq2YQfhxJM3NkHdt4FOvb0YuqaQVXpk-QF9wf3tCRB_cOBoCpdEQAvD_BwE Even though I had several modified/hot rodded '68/'69 510s in high school (early 1970's), I can't remember for sure if the orginal marker lights were a different part number for left and for right. I no longer have my 510 parts catalogs to check on that.
  12. Unfortunately there is, at least in the SDC, still a bit of amount of animosity between owners of stock vehicles and modified vehicles. I see it on the SDC Forum at times.
  13. I always use the spray-on Copper Kote (sp?) on mine, just like on the head gaskets. But that's just me, I'm sure others will chime in on their preferences.
  14. Thom, Assuming you have an external fuel pump (as opposed to a high pressure pump installed in the fuel tank), could the sensor be installed between the fuel tank and the high pressure external fuel pump?
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