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Posts posted by psdenno
What’s unusual about the rear seat of the Studebaker Avanti?
The R-3 was $1031.00.
The R-4 was $891.00.
Perfect answer....$1,031.
While there's a span of years between the two, it sounds like you're speaking of the Ford Pinto.
It was the Ford Pinto. Lawyers used the Avanti tank placement as an example to show that a safer tank location was already "state of the art" by the time the Pinto was designed.
I remember seeing a political cartoon of a B-52 dropping Pintos, instead of bombs, on North Viet Nam at the time of the law suits.
How about Milt Autonick?.....And the floating horn bar was somewhat unique?
Except for misspelling the designers name, (Milt Antonick), perfect answer. Most cars of the era had either a center horn pad or a horn ring on the steering wheel. Mr. Antonick incorporated the horn bars into the steering wheel spokes.
Anyone know what other classic car designs Milt Antonick did?
What was the cost of the R3 option in June 1963?
The Avanti’s gas tank placement was used as an example in the case of national litigation involving what car.?
Bob Doehler perhaps?...And the one unique feature I can think of is a 'horn button' that isn't a horn button!
No, in both cases, but close on the "horn" reference.
The prices I quoted are factory installed.
The prices you quote are dealer suggested uninstalled list price.
I have no idea of what UAW workers were getting for an hour's work in South Bend in '63, but I imagine a radio & antenna could be installed in an hour, or so. Minimum wage at the time was $1.25 an hour. Five bucks would have covered it.
Two observations......first, most of the Avanti Trivia questions seem to be answered by the same three or four forum members. Second, very little "conversation" is generated by the questions. For the most part, it's Question, Correct Answer, Move On.
Those of you who do answer the questions obviously have a great deal of Avanti knowledge, or information resources. Perhaps some of you would like to toss out a few Avanti Trivia questions of your own to add a little variety to this topic.
As for this topic not generating much conversation, my guess is that quite a few readers have personal Avanti experiences relating to many of the questions. Everyone should feel free to jump in and add their 2¢ to the discussion. Let's see if we can make the topic a little more interactive and interesting.
And that brings us to the next Trivia question.
What was the cost of the underhood light option on the 1964 Avanti?
Anyone got one of these on their Avanti?
Anyone ever seen one?Anyone ever needed one? -
Who is credited with designing the Avanti steering wheel and why was it considered unique at the time?
Studebaker Sales Letter, Prices and Charges - Avanti. Number 190, dated October 28, 1963.
Item #.
66A Radio - Push Button with Rear Manual Antenna $85.00
67A Radio - AM/FM with Rear Manual Antenna $154.50
Difference in price ( or upgrade ) $69.50
On the dealer price list dated 9/1/63, the AM/FM with rear fender antenna (AC-3503) was only $149.50 . The AM radio with antenna (AC-3507) was listed at $80.40. That's a bit of a jump in two months.
Correct. Glove box and trunk lights were standard equipment. But, how about the underhood light?Not so true. Original promotional materials show the courtesy lights as standard equipment...including a trunk light. But...many Avantis came without a trunk light. Maybe they were built and shipped before the sales materials were printed or standard equipment fully decided upon?
Factory, but I imagine a dealer could install it if someone wanted it badly enough.
As you noted, it was both according to dealer literature supplied by Studebaker. I can't image that dealers installed too many.
Was Twin Traction a factory or a dealer installed option?
True or Not So True. The trunk light was part of the extra cost “Lighting Accessory Package” option, which also included the glove compartment light, on the 1963Avanti.
Not according to the factory document I'm referencing, but I'm sure the price changed over the production run. What's the source of your $154.50 cost?
It was a mandatory option but could be deleted upon special order. It was listed in the 1963 accessories catalog as an accessory and in the 1964 Studebaker line brochure it was simply listed as an option. It was probably still a mandatory option but the brochure could lead one to believe otherwise.
Perfect answer. Any idea about the cost to upgrade to AM/FM?
Was a radio considered standard equipment or an option on the Avanti? Explain your answer.
Studebaker changed to a redesigned style of exhaust pipes involving a “Tee” section that created a crossover ahead of the mufflers beginning with what serial # Avanti?
The original owner.....Dick Van Dyke.
Loewy said that when a young man his mother told him "It's better to be envied than pitied." He did his best to live up to that.
Good motherly advice. In spite of his status and public image, he wasn't all about formality. He could be quite down to earth. When I wrote letters to him, I would always receive a very warm and personal hand written response. Not only was I surprised that he responded, but also that he took an interest in what was written. I treasure one of the letters in which he refers to my Avanti's serial number. That one is framed and hanging on the wall.
The man did have style and wasn't afraid to be "over the top" if there was a camera nearby. Have you seen the pictures of him driving his dune buggy through the desert around Palm Springs? No jeans and t-shirt for Raymond. Dress slacks, snazzy sports coat, goggles and a neck scarf. Ever the showman.
Deluxe is perforated, Regal is pleated.
Correct. Ever wonder why Studebaker chose the word "Regal" to describe pleated vinyl? I usually don't associate vinyl with anything regal.
Avanti Light Switches
in Avanti Trivia
To whom did Loewy give credit for the idea of the overhead switches on the Avanti?