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Posts posted by psdenno

  1. It wasn't "Gloud" Richards but Gloyd Richards. He was fired for "misappropriating" company equipment.

    Gloyd is the name used in the source I was referencing, too. Just didn't want to annoy the OP, so I went with his spelling. I wonder what he "misappropriated".
  2. I'm not sure he was a truck driver unless it was for the company. I think he was a union leader (or agitator) that tried to block Egbert from entering the plant. A scuffle ensued but Egbert played it down as nothing. The guy I believe was later fired for cause by Studebaker.

    Most of us have had an Eddie Haskell in their lives...maybe Richards was Egbert's.

    Yes, we do all seem to have an Eddie of some sort. The newspaper picture of Egbert being booked by the police included a caption stating Gloud was a truck driver for Studebaker. I'm sure his actions were career limiting.

  3. I do. He was a 40 year old truck driver who brought police charges against Egbert for disorderly conduct over a union picket line incident in which Egbert offered to duke it out with him. Egbert was arrested and released on bond.

  4. I must have a different source...I have it shown as a factory option but not listed with dealer installed options for '63 or '64. That wouldn't be the first time I get burned by what is supposed to be accurate sources.

    Just another one of those 50 year old mysteries. I'll post the cost in a few days if no one else sends a guess.

  5. I know Loewy had a hand in the interior design for Skylab, but what did Skylab have to do with New York as the original question asked?

    The original question asked for Loewy influenced modes of transportation from which NYC could be viewed.

    I'm guessing that the astronauts in Skylab (a mode of transportation) had a most spectacular view of New York (the city in question) from 275 miles above Earth on at least some of the 34,981 orbits around the planet.

  6. Hill Holder was a factory option that sold for $15.50. It wasn't listed as a dealer installed option.

    Not according to my source.

    The source document I'm looking at lists the "uninstalled" dealer price as well as the "uninstalled" suggested list price for the Avanti Hill Holder AC-3348. That makes it sound like a dealer installed or DIY item stocked or ordered by the Dealer's Parts Department. The same accessory # applies to the '63 & '64 Convertible and Station Wagon according to the Studebaker document.

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