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    Canton (Cruso) NC in the Mountains
  • Interests
    Collector cars,, Building Tiny Homes. Living the life.

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  • My Avanti
    '63' 63 - R2-2238 02 Avanti

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  1. likely bodyweight.
  2. I turned 70 last Summer. It hasn't effected my capabilities (Praise God), but it has played into the drive I have for "restoration projects". I just won't take them on any more. I have 5 Collector Cars in various states of condition. The 2 Avanti's and the 928 Porsche are near excellent, Just keeping tabs on those 3 are enough for me to keep up with, from a Mechanical Stance. I send most big repairs out to others, since I just don't have the desire to tackle the projects. With that reality, it means that I have to buy cheap since the repairs are part of the Purchase Equation, to determine if I will lose financially in the end game... I can't lose $$'s or I can't afford to own the Cars. It's a Profit Game for me, with the understanding I still have a Love for all things Automotive. As said, Your price point is spot on. I for the life of me, can't figure why the rarity in production numbers of a Avanti 2 doesn't play in to a higher value, considering my '63' R2, values in at around $40-45k....Sorry to hear, Yer selling off on Her, but best wishes on the sale. '' Be careful of Scammers.''
  3. Are you sure Ya wanna sell off that beauty? Gotta say, I hate to see a member sell off an old prized model. I'm in a similar situation with the Newer version, ''02' and a '63' R2. I still have issues with the '63' but when finished I doubt I could let it go. Both the New and Old have their separate qualities. and though I like the '02' Model better, it tends to be a techie headache, the engine is too far back in the compartment for easy maintenance. But... the '63' , most everything is accessible. Your pricing is spot on for a vehicle with the work done. Still will you recoup after considering all time spent?
  4. That's a very interesting aftermarket option, Ron. .... A good ''keeper''.
  5. Didn't think it would last long. Any good deal, ya need to jump on it before the next guy.
  6. Will do !... just wont go too radical. The only Studie show I've been to is in Maggie Valley NC. Been to 2 more shows where Ours is stared down in disbelief and questions. Our cars really stand out ''as is''... The rarity is unusual.
  7. '63'.. Thats Bull$#!t EPA? I can understand the issues in LA Calif due to runoff, but even that is insanity. We used to live in Suburban Chicago and had issues with Permitting and escalated costs, We finally moved out to the Mountains in NC. These Cities and Suburbs are getting out of hand, from aa lot of aspects of life.... and Yes, I hope this New Admin will throw in and back off. I rebuilt a Farmhouse and a few years later built this Barn. Permitting cost me $150 and was ready the same day. I built it from local Sawmill Wood for $2500ish. The metal roof was the most of the expense.
  8. Maybe I could add an addition to the Barn? Out of sight, out of mind?
  9. Thanks. I LOVE the Car, but it's been fickle with me from a repair stance.
  10. HA ! Sounds like a personal problem....but I understand.. Yeah, including our daily drivers I have a file of 8 titles and I'm running out of Barn Space. I need to start re-selling before another purchase can be made. 2 cars are going up 'for sale' in the Spring. Need to turn profits and move forward.
  11. Likely $1000-$1500. Nearly what the owner is asking for the car. That said, the pricing seems very good even including shipping. More work than I'm willing to put in but a good starter'
  12. Yeah, that adds a err of simple improvement. Ya Done a Good'n !.... I Like! I've got some work to do as well... I just cant do a thing until the temps rise (This morning it's 5 deg's). I notice You don't have a Hood Vent (which are a style point... non functional). Mine the paint peeled off and left me with a rusted surface. It needs painted, so I'm going black instead of it's original green. Likewise the Bumper is a mess and needs re-painted. There is a clear plastic film on it and it deteriorated. Also considering blackening it out. Since my headlights are already blacked out, I consider my changes will be good matching items. After all, there are other blacked out items like the plastics around the windshield and black convertible top, (as well as other items). Some might argue the things You/I are doing are changes from original and agains the flow in that respect..... And they are correct. That said, the items are minor yet vast improvements in our eyes. ...I'm ''On Board" with them
  13. Ya forgot the listing..'63'.
  14. Also noticed a few restoration things not right on their display car, like (as previously discussed) the 3EE battery area..and some minor issues. Neet Vid.
  15. I've said my fill.
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