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Posts posted by pantera928


    My gas gauge was not working so I determined that it was the sender. I replaced the sender and it now works but I noticed a noise from the tank area. It sounds like the sender is movinh up and down from fuel sloshing around in the tank. When I stop, I slowly goes away as the sloshing decreases.

    Anyone else experienced this and/or have a cure?

    It is not to bad, just noticeable.


  2. 26 minutes ago, Jred said:

    Dont quote me on this, I want to say around $500-600 for the set, from last time I spoke to them.

    I just tried calling again but no answer. After shipping costs factored and the weight savings I'm really leaning towards Flex-form. 


    He is only about 2 hours from my house so I may try to stop by there

  3. 21 hours ago, mfg said:

    Just want to mention that replacing a heater core on a '63-'85 Avanti really isn't that tough of a job...Just nuts and bolts (and hoses!), but every thing comes out from under dash at passenger side..... Then simply disassemble housing.....(good opportunity to clean housing out!).......Some newer cars are MUCH harder, with often the entire dashboard needing to be removed.:o

    Good to know. Thanks

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