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John C

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Everything posted by John C

  1. Hello Leo, I would pull the fuel pump and take it apart. I think you have a bad diaphragm. If it is not that the source of the issue seems to be in the pump from what I can gather so you should find the problem. Best of luck, John C.
  2. 63R1388, Please check your private messages. John C.
  3. Hi Daryl, I'm doing my transmission now. Bob Ziff @ AvantiParts.biz 215-420-2300 has some of these parts as does Studebaker International 317-462-3124. If you get the front and rear seals from SI have them check the rear seal number. The one I received is 1/8 inch larger diameter than the tailhousing. O'Reillys had the correct one on the shelf it is a National #7692s. The front seal is a National #6988h. I'm sure between these two you can find a new pan gasket, filter and any of other gaskets that you need. Best of luck, John C.
  4. Thanks for the recommended supplier and ring set up. I broke three piston skirts last time out and don't want to do it again. John C.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm rebuilding my R2 and am looking for a source for forged pistons. I need flat tops +0.030. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, John C.
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