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Posts posted by 64studeavanti

  1. This is serial R5408. It only has 4 carpet pieces: 

    left floor, right floor, spare tire, and lock.

    I also have R4551 and R5423. 

    All have the same carpet pieces and the entire area is painted black.

    I agree that it does not appear to be gloss black.

    I was suprised about the lacquer paint.


  2. Answered part of the question. The black paint is easily removed with lacquer thinner. Checked several locations. Am sure it is factory since I was able to get down to primer.

    Going with semi gloss unless I hear otherwise.

  3. I believe they are 1/2" thick and were also on other manual transmission Studebakers. I have a couple of spares. If I can clear off enough space, I will post a picture.

    On my 64 4spd, I had vibration issues. I saw  another car had them, so put some on mine. Vibration gone. I assume it was enough to throw the driveline angles off.

  4. I did not see a service bulletin. The revised part would also work on earlier cars.

    The upper hinges did not change. Checked a lower hinge on a 78 and it also has elongated holes. My guess is that Studebaker decided they needed a bit more adjustment for the doors to fit correctly. 


    FWIW, I made a post a while back about a change to the rear quarter interior panels from 3 pieces to 2 pieces.  Not listed in service bulletin or parts catalog.

  5. Working on R5423. Noticed that the lower door hinges are longer and have elongated bolt holes. Checked R5408, and they are the same as R5423. Have one from R4551 that I am rebuilding pin on. First picture is from R4551. Second is from R5423.




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