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3 hours ago, mfg said:

So what's so special about 1963 Studebaker Avanti 63R3848?

I doubt that there is any such Avanti.  The "63" was dropped from the Serial Number before number 3848.

2 hours ago, studegary said:

I doubt that there is any such Avanti.  The "63" was dropped from the Serial Number before number 3848.

Whoops my goof!....that's R-3848!.......... (and there is INDEED such an Avanti!)


Yes, I even tried doing some searches and couldn't find anything. Tell us oh wise one. :):D:P

2 hours ago, mfg said:

Ready for the answer on this one?

Yes, I searched my memory banks (my usual source) and even looked at some Service Letters.

I am thinking that it was owned by someone special or modified and not some factory running change.  


You got it Gary!.....R3848 was not a 'factory job'...... it's the gorgeous 'Avanti Red' 63 that Mr. Charles Sydoryk installed the B-92 R3 engine in....That's the famous R3 that was shipped to England and stored for years in a warehouse in Birmingham......This Avanti also features a NOS 'R3' type flanged axle, which may be rarer than the engine!!

A feature, with many great color photos of this Avanti, was published in 'AVANTI MAGAZINE' issue # 147.

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