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All else being equal, and assuming 6 month oil change intervals, engine oil will be 'cleaner' in a Studebaker Avanti R2 engine than in an R3 engine.....True?


Most likely true as the R3 was punched out to 304cu. & the R2 was a 289, More displacement = more carbon = more dirt.


The R3 had five breathers rather than two. I would think that must have been necessary or they wouldn't have been installed.


But, the R2 had positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) so it would be cleaner as it is forcing the fumes out, not merely venting them.


brad said the magic word here....'PCV'..(on the R2 and not the R3)....That fact alone would mean cleaner oil..."all else being equal"....Answer....TRUE!!

Britz also had the correct answer.

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