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About pantera928

  • Birthday March 1

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    Oxford, Ga
  • Interests
    Cars, tennis, antique clocks

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  • My Avanti
    1980 RQB-3027

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  1. it is on Facebook. Try this link. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2206369399748672/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Ab8c0eb76-e309-4037-abf5-836ea9586661
  2. any of you interested in this car? Not mine but I can pass on information. The owner was a friend of mine and passed away earlier this year. His son is trying to sell it. Below is a link to the car back a few years ago. It is located in Conyers Georgia which is just east of Atlanta. I am guessing mid teens in price. https://studebaker-info.org/AVDB2//AvantiRQB/84QB3994/84AV3994x30092018.html
  3. Where did you find wood grain ABS? THanks
  4. I did a little research and found a heater blower motor identical to the old one in my 1980 Avanti. Only difference was the connectors on the wires which i modified to fit the original plug connector. Even the wire colors were correct for the 2 speeds. Price $89.96 on Amazon. Maybe I could have gotten it cheaper elsewhere I found it on Amazon but i am sure it can be had other places. It was made for a 1960-65 Falcon, 1964-65 Mustang and a 1965 Comet without A/C. The one i bought was made by Auto Krafters, part number CODZ-18527A but as long as you get one for one of these cars, you should have the correct one.
  5. FYI, I fixed my evaporator with copper tubing from Home Depot and Ace. works well!
  6. Well, outside temps here are always in the 90s during the Summer months.
  7. Found the other s tree and got the box out…. Barely. now to source a new heater blower motor. thanks
  8. Are these heater blower motors available from regular auto parts vendors? Hard to believe they are Avanti specific. They must have sourced them from some manufacturer. thanks
  9. My heater is totally disconnected right now so no hot air/water. After driving down the highway today, the evaporator got almost to 32 degrees F but the air coming out was still in the low 50s
  10. Well, I replaced my compressor with the same one you guys used and also a parallel flow condenser and new receiver dryer. Driving down the highway, the evaporator will get down to the high 30s F but it is still at best only marginal to keep the car comfortable on max fan speed. Any ideas? Is if just poor insulation or too much glass or what? I tried to have the rear window tinted but they said the defroster was peeling away and the could not do it. What have others done? Thanks
  11. That is what I have found also. I did not know about that other screw. I will search for it tomorrow weather permitting. All this to deal with a squeaky fan motor but at least i wont need it until Autumn. Thanks
  12. This is disappointing. Someone out there must know the answer
  13. Still stumped after looking at everything. Someone out there must have done this recently. Please help.
  14. Somewhere yes. Was following Dan Booths procedure.
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