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Desert Driver

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Posts posted by Desert Driver

  1. Worked perfectly. A lot of elbow grease (and nasty chemicals) needed to remove the old material from the track. After installing the new velcro, I had a little too much material on the sides. Single edged razorblade took care of the excess. No problems since replacing. 

  2. Once you get the clamp out from the back of the speedo, you can pull the unit forward and unhook the cable and power to the light bulb. Pretty dang easy...now threading the nuts back onto the clamp while laying on your back is the tough part of the job. Yes, removing the driver's seat and small hands are required. Plus lots of patience and no one within earshot of your loud expletives. 

  3. 17 gallons of gas for $5.50...those were the days, my friend!

    Clean it up inside and out...get rid of those rims, and purchase the correct ones. Whatever money put into replacing hog troughs, you'll never see again. Red exterior, black interior and AC - it'll sell for a nice price!


  4. I think you're going in the right direction with this project. Those hog troughs were a quick solution to securing a wider chassis to the narrower Lark frame While providing structural rigidity. The outriggers on the frame shown in the photo look quite substantial. Couple that with reinforced fiberglass, and you've got something better than what Studebaker engineers came up with for the Avanti. Those guys were under the gun to get the car into production while saving money to keep the auto division alive. Working smarter beats working harder every time!

  5. The YouTube video is a must see. In reality, it's more like a blog or podcast...but worth every 44 minutes to hear Geoff talk about the rebirth of Avanti after Studebaker stopped production. Without the foresight (and sheer determination) of Newman & Altman, our beloved automobiles would only be from production years '63 & '64. Avanti lived for an incredible four decades more! Back in the days of Kodachrome, we hoped the memories would last before the colors faded. But in today's digital world, the memories and colorful history are here for today and future generations. Thanks, Geoff...you left us one of the greatest stories in automotive history!

  6. On 8/24/2022 at 3:28 AM, paul shuffleburg said:

    The vents are open. The main reason I installed the Dyna Mat was because no air was coming thru the vents.

    The vents on my 51 Commander and 62 Champ really help on a hot day.

    Cram the exhaust hose of a shop vac into the cabin vents and follow the air flow. There's got to be an obstruction somewhere between point A and point B./

  7. On 7/22/2022 at 10:28 AM, pantera928 said:

    I would guess a roller came off the track somehow. Didn't you have other window trouble recently?

    Sounds like it. There are two rollers on the top of the regulator that ride in the track attached to the bottom of the window. If one comes out of the track, your window will most likely jam. If they both come out, then the window will drop rapidly into the inside of the door. Once you get the door panel off, you (or your mechanic) can look top down into the two sides of the door, or through the bottom access opening of the door and figure it out. I've had issues with both front windows due primarily to parts wearing out from age.

  8. I got mine out thru the dash speaker grille. Not too difficult, you just have to remove all the knobs, washers, and nuts on the front of the radio. I would strongly suggest you kill the battery to avoid getting shocked by a hot wire.

  9. "Keep the faith"....great advice from Jim Bunting to loyal Avanti owners worldwide. It was great to hear the many stories from the man who produced AVX 1-3, and was the inspiration for 2001-2007 Avantis. Every single Avanti from 1963 on was so eye catching, that many groceries were dropped by those who saw one drive by. Congratulations, Mr Bunting. Mission accomplished! 

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