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murph the surf

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  • Location
    South Florida
  • Interests
    Have a varied car collection ranging from an all original 1928 Pierce Arrow Coupe,to a 1988 Porsche 930 Cabriolet-but the Studebaker Avanti has always been my obsession.Have two '63 R1's-one 4 speed,the other an automatic,as well as a totally original '64 turquoise/turquoise R2.

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  • My Avanti
    1963 R1

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  1. Nailed it..there's very little that could escape your Avanti knowledge......
  2. 4) Ward's friends...
  3. The story of building of the prototype by Pichon-Parat was quite a story as relayed by John.....and his French definitely made things a lot easier....still looking for his specific talent/skill related to industrial design...he was an early pioneer in the use of this...
  4. He was a team leader, and of course the on-site leader in charge of the Avanti design team....But that was not his design-specific skill that made him so valuable to Raymond Loewy..
  5. Thank you for that....always thought the quiet system was simply mufflers rather than glass packs..
  6. That's what I've always understood a resonator was-an component in the exhaust system in addition to the muffler to help quiet the exhaust ..But in the 11/28/1962 memo, Studebaker refers to the muffler option not specifically as a resonator, but as a resonator "type" and resonator "system", so that must have been 'Studebaker-speak' for a quiet muffler..
  7. Good thought, but that's not the talent/skill
  8. What particular talent related specifically to design did John Ebstein have that played a major part in Raymond Loewy hiring him into Raymond Loewy and Associates?
  9. Are you getting the same when you try to open the link?..A black screen with a tiny picture in the center?
  10. You and me, both!!...that's just one of the many allures of the Avanti.
  11. Hi, Was looking in the forum for some info, and tried clicking a link-all I get when I try to open is a black screen with a tiny picture. I can post and see pictures, but links just won't open for some reason.Is there a setting that I need to change?...Thanks!
  12. You're right-that would have looked great...
  13. Yes
  14. Logical answer, but that's not the customer option that was offered at the very same time the additional rear axle ratios were offered..
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