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  1. mox

    Avanti Radio!

    I would say true as I believe when ordering an Avanti you would have to specify radio delete if you didn’t want one. I would guess all cars had the cable installed based on Studebaker assuming all cars would have radios installed. Too much trouble later to pull up carpet, run cable etc.
  2. I have this same picture. I believe it is the original clay model that was found upstairs in the old Avanti plant in South Bend. It was on display at the museum for the 2012 meet, that’s where I took the picture.
  3. I replaced the 3EE a couple of years ago in my 63, it has more cranking amps, more cold cranking amps than the 3EE, much lighter and maintenance free. The 3EE was always spitting from the vents in the plugs as well. I’ve owned my car since 1970 and can’t count the number of 3EEs I’ve replaced over the years, they never seemed to last long. I not fussy about keeping everything original and glad I switched to the 51. If your battery box is cracked or weakening SI sells an under the fender reinforcement piece for 63s.
  4. Hi, the covers are held on by 5 spring clips per wheel and they cover the entire 15 in steel wheel but don’t touch the tires. You need shorter valve stems and need to pop out the cover to check tire pressure. If you have the Authenticity manual there is a picture of them showing them as an Avanti option.
  5. Hi, I just sold 6 of those covers to a gentleman in Massachusetts. A/C 3521, they were offered as an option on all Studebakers 64 to 66. Same cover used by other makes like early T Birds with a different centre.
  6. If it’s of any help, I was able to purchase the fitting from Jon Myer a few years ago, he may still have them. Mine is a 63 so the fitting was on the fuel pump return.
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