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John Hull

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Everything posted by John Hull

  1. Believe the first 10 prototypes and 1st 5 or 10 production car frames assembled by Midland Ross Cleveland Ohio under contract with Studebaker Know the prototypes all were Midland Ross and carried green frame plate
  2. When I have some spare time I will check the actual production records. Using a TW ad as a source is a new one on me and is dangerous to even reference because as Abe Lincoln said If its on the Internet it must be true Regards
  3. Sorry guys I don't have time now to find them but telegrams from Loewy to his partner Snaith and loewy letter to Clarence Francis actual documents not loewy rememberers trump your understandings Trying to keep things factual again from actual records and documents not remembrance's A reporter was sent to a gunfight between a legend and an up and comer Reported back to the editor and asked Do you want the truth or the legend The editor told him to go with the legend
  4. Sorry guys Loewy contacted Egbert thru an inquiry to Clarance Francis Chairman of the Board Studebaker First One of the biggest Avanti myths ever Egbert contacted Loewy first makes good press but not true Have letters and telegrams supporting this from Loewys files Please be careful with these types of questions etc. as very few people and I'm one knows what really happened and this exercise promotes an untruth Regards
  5. If your going to use my research how about crediting your source

    ie: my prototype information schedule

    1. regnalbob


      I did not credit you because I had no idea this was yours.

      There was nothing on it that referenced you.

      This same schedule is on Bob Johnstone's web site and there is also no mention of you.

  6. air brushing
  7. Little known fact initial Paxton Supercharges used on Avantis built and supplied to Paxton by McColugh
  8. Hood
  9. Had some time and located my records from my time and afterwords at Avanti in Villa Rica and info from Cancun I now have detailed production info for both 2001 and 2002 will summarize and share the actual information next issue Magazine 2001 Avanti Production 14 cars 2002 Avanti Production 33 cars Total 47 cars See next Avanti Magazine for details as to models built and numbers
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