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Ron Dame

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Everything posted by Ron Dame

  1. That kind of sums it up. I know the '87's have a different chassis, and *largely*/ the same body, but are the seat mounts the same? Are any mods needed to use them?
  2. I'm going to cross this over to the trivia forum, since you've been the only answer so far.
  3. That kind of sums it up. I know the '87's have a different frame, and *largely*/ the same body, but are the seat mounts the same?
  4. I've got a similar issue to deal with this Spring: Mine has already been sealed shut, but the glass is cracked. I have the new glass and depending on condition of the mechanism, may resurrect the functionality of the sunroof... or not. I'm not sure if the mechanism works anymore. If it doesn't, that complicates removing the old glass. So I, too, am interested in how to proceed.
  5. Thanks Ron
  6. I like your fog lights. What are they?
  7. With the headlights off, all lights work normally. With them on, there is current back feeding to the right signal indicator on the dash, and sometimes the right brake light works, sometimes it does not, but only when the headlights are on. I cleaned both front and rear light sockets on the right and used dielectric grease. The ground on the front was confirmed with almost no voltage drop. The back socket where it connects to the light body is clean and greased, though I don't think this is the primary ground, if any ground at all. I ran a temporary ground from the right light socket to the left (which acts normally) but this did not solve the issue. I've attempted to find the proper ground for the RR lamps, with no avail. What am I missing?
  8. No longe3r anting wha I wanted.
  9. I have the wiring diagrams (such as they are) for my 1980 and want to reinstall my antenna switch after finding a functional mismatch between the antenna wire on my new headset and the antenna. The problem is that the pin-out on the switch is 3 x 3, and the diagram makes no distinction to how the wires are oriented, so there are four possible combinations. I'ce already blown two fuses trying to figure it out and am down to my last one. Pin numbers on the switch are faint, but legible. Can anyone help me figure out which wore fits where? Thanks!
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