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  1. One sort of pain in the neck thing that has to be done is removing engine oil pan, oil pump, and rear main bearing cap & rear seal in order to swap the short torque converter mounting bolts for the longer stick shift flywheel mounting bolts… a MUST DO!….. Also…I think it’s much easier to remove the engine/transmission as a unit, and do most of the conversion work in the open, as opposed to working under the car…. Good luck!..Ed
  2. If Myers can’t help, contact Dave Thibeault at Studebaker Parts & Services… He can provide every last nut & bolt for the transmission conversion you desire.
  3. If you go with mechanical throttle linkage… Nostalgic sells the special bracket assy that fits onto the rear of Chevy engine.
  4. I’ll check that out… Thanks very much!
  5. It would be great if you would post a few photos… and perhaps a part number for that sweep.
  6. Over the right rear wheel!
  7. Sounds like a ‘first class’ paint shop Gun!
  8. Certainly interesting information…Thanks!
  9. I like your ‘suspended harness’ idea!!
  10. This question has been kicked around for the last sixty two years!!!!
  11. I agree completely!
  12. mfg

    Avanti Galoshes!

    Getting back to ‘84-‘89 Avantis… all in all the composite bumpers aren’t that bad, however, those big rectangular headlights….. uughh!!!!!!
  13. Yes, Avanti windshields and backlights are easy to remove when you intend to replace the weatherstrips with new!
  14. Most ‘63 model year Avantis were built with the ‘Regal’ interior….Today, seeing the ‘Deluxe’ version is a rarity.
  15. Not without first removing the left & right stainless ‘A Pillar’ trim!… However, there is nothing wrong with using a bead of sealer… just don’t overdue it.
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