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Bill Hanlon

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    Millville, NJ

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  • My Avanti
    1983 RQB 3752

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  1. This is what I use. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/super-s-cotton-picker-spindle-grease-00-1056828?store=113&cid=Shopping-Google-Local_Feed&utm_medium=Google&utm_source=Shopping&utm_campaign=&utm_content=Local_Feed&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD3fmFOaqqLrvBi9nNDkFxbZ2uebj&gclid=CjwKCAiAivGuBhBEEiwAWiFmYWoG5Y4-PdGKxTMiOA5_dHxn0HpraUXNg2lS2-qGQncT2qPif_8f1hoCzIEQAvD_BwE
  2. See this link. Where you get one I have not found yet. https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f116/leak-power-steering-gear-box-adjustment-screw-315073/
  3. I would look for information on a Jeep forum. They used the same steering box on early jeeps. Without saying the obvious, is the lock nut tight?
  4. If you have power steering one each on the control valve and the cylinder
  5. When addressing the same issue on my 1983 the original issue was the passenger side rear corner. As I clamped the original fix the stress caused the driver side front corner to start to fail. I ended up re doing the whole top on two steps. instead of using the JB weld I used 3M panel epoxy longer applicator/injector. It has been 5 years and all is good.
  6. Remove the cover and put Vaseline on a folded brown bag and run it between all moving parts to lube and clean all sliding parts. Did this to my car about 8 years ago and have not had a problem since.
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