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About 64studeavanti

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  • My Avanti

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  1. 400+ cu in engine? I thought the largest Packard production engine was 374 cu in.
  2. The lower door hinges on later Stude Avantis as well as later Avantis have slots on both the frame and door side.
  3. Interesting. This is what I see on my phone. Ebay must have different displays for mobile devices.
  4. I did not see a service bulletin. The revised part would also work on earlier cars. The upper hinges did not change. Checked a lower hinge on a 78 and it also has elongated holes. My guess is that Studebaker decided they needed a bit more adjustment for the doors to fit correctly. FWIW, I made a post a while back about a change to the rear quarter interior panels from 3 pieces to 2 pieces. Not listed in service bulletin or parts catalog.
  5. second picture
  6. Working on R5423. Noticed that the lower door hinges are longer and have elongated bolt holes. Checked R5408, and they are the same as R5423. Have one from R4551 that I am rebuilding pin on. First picture is from R4551. Second is from R5423.
  7. Spoke too soon. Just noticed Kuwait license plate.
  8. Odd that the ebay listing does not state anything about the car being in Kuwait.
  9. IMHO, the best thing to do is have a local clutch rebuilder redo the pressure plate and clutch disk. Much better results that way. Throwout bearing can be sourced from one of the many vendors.
  10. R3 motor mounts were also shorter.
  11. is this the one in question: https://www.ebay.com/itm/267120563514?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1A_eGthAQya&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8XIBhyveTMe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. According to Wikipedia, 588 Packard Hawks were sold.
  13. IIRC, when I c.c.'d a pair of 1557570 heads 58 c.c.'s seem correct. I am not sure where the 54 c.c. figure comes from.
  14. Several auto manufacturers cooperate on their offerings without merging. Think Mazda and Ford, Mitsubishi and Chrysler ...
  15. I think Fiat and Chrysler merged. The merger with Renault failed to go through.
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