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I have restored (frame off) 7 Studebakers since 1995 retirement but am considering a later model Avanti as the next project. Posted this on Studebaker forum and got their thoughts on which way to go. Joined AOAI Friday and would like to hear from you folks, realizing some may have already seen the Studebaker forum exchange. It was posted 10-15 under "Avanti Restoratin". If you have not seen it would appreciate your thoughts. Ken Deltaville, Va


I replied to your post on the Studebaker forum and I don't know for sure what you've decided...whether a Stude framed Avanti or the later Chevy framed models. A lot depends on what you feel is best for you. You're always welcome to ask questions here or discuss anything you like. We all love Avanti's...warts and all.

My closest friend lives in Newport News...not that far from you, but he's a Vette guy. There's also an active Studebaker Drivers Club chapter in that area...you can also rely on them for assistance. The SDC website should give you contact information.

When you choose an Avanti to buy and if it requires reconstruction, I can recommend a shop here in Maryland that did my car, as well as a speed shop for mechanical modifications and a fantastic upholstery shop. You can send me an email or a personal message and we can chat offline about that if you want. There's probably some good shops in your area as well...that's where the local SDC chapter can be of real help. It's a tough economy and many shops may be very willing to tackle such a job, but it's still better to find the right shop, not just any shop willing to do it. When my car was being done, I had one basic requirement...I only want to do it once...I didn't want to have to redo something because I wanted to cheap out or didn't think it through. As it is, I didn't do a few things that should have been done and I regret it, though none are big things, but it's the little things that can get you and be irritating.

Also...welcome to the AOAI!


Thanks, again, I am undecided except that if its a 63 or 64 it will be resored back to original, later model will have some liberty taken on design and motor. Curently leaning is to 80's model. Have contacts in Richnond, Hampton Roads and Potomac chapters, thanks again, ken..

I replied to your post on the Studebaker forum and I don't know for sure what you've decided...whether a Stude framed Avanti or the later Chevy framed models. A lot depends on what you feel is best for you. You're always welcome to ask questions here or discuss anything you like. We all love Avanti's...warts and all.

My closest friend lives in Newport News...not that far from you, but he's a Vette guy. There's also an active Studebaker Drivers Club chapter in that area...you can also rely on them for assistance. The SDC website should give you contact information.

When you choose an Avanti to buy and if it requires reconstruction, I can recommend a shop here in Maryland that did my car, as well as a speed shop for mechanical modifications and a fantastic upholstery shop. You can send me an email or a personal message and we can chat offline about that if you want. There's probably some good shops in your area as well...that's where the local SDC chapter can be of real help. It's a tough economy and many shops may be very willing to tackle such a job, but it's still better to find the right shop, not just any shop willing to do it. When my car was being done, I had one basic requirement...I only want to do it once...I didn't want to have to redo something because I wanted to cheap out or didn't think it through. As it is, I didn't do a few things that should have been done and I regret it, though none are big things, but it's the little things that can get you and be irritating.

Also...welcome to the AOAI!


One thing to take into account if you plan to buy an 80's model whether it's Stude or GM framed, is the state you will register it in and pollution requirements there-in. If your state requires emissions testing then you will probably need to add a computer motor to get any decent horse power with emissions compliance. Those 80's motor are pretty anemic. 

Where I live it's not a problem so I just added a big horse power SBC to my 83 with the tranny and rearend to handle it.


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