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I have noticed Quick Steering Arm kits advertised from $125.00 to 175.00 and in between.  Is there maybe more than one type dependent on the degree of correction?  Also is there a way to determine if my Avanti already has them?  I have read that they make little difference for some cars and others report their greatness.  However even just a little correction would help --- I am sure a battle ship must be able to make sharper turns. :rolleyes:


Your 1983 Avanti may have them already.  Steve Blake had them fabricated to bring the Avantis with the fork-lift steering box back to pre-fork-lift steering performance.  I don't know (maybe no one really knows) exactly when the quick-steering arms were introduced at what serial number car.  If you compare the original design steering arms to the quick-steering arms the difference is obvious.  The quick-steering arms are much shorter than the originals.  

Don't automatically assume you have the old-style arms.  Many years ago when I had a '63 Avanti I always felt was a very good good in most maneuvering.  I sold that car in 1990 and didn't have another Avanti for some years...I purchased my '70 in 2006...give it two years for reconstruction (including quick steering arms) and I was amazed how big a turning circle it had. I didn't remember my '63 being like that.  It dawned on me that when I had my '63 I was also owned and drove other cars of the same vintage.  I was now comparing what was essentially a 1953 Studebaker chassis to modern cars several generations newer in automotive engineering and technology...my SUV had a tighter turning circle.  You might be subconsciously comparing your Avanti to your daily drivers of today's modern generation.

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