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Will '87 seats fit in a 1980 without modification?

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That kind of sums it up. I know the '87's have a different chassis, and *largely*/ the same body, but are the seat mounts the same? Are any mods needed to use them?

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Git er Done, Ron.!!

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Ron, I'm sorta surprised You aren't getting a response or answers on this topic.

There is a Re-apolstery  shop in Canton N.C.,, for Automotive stuff.

He does seats but not things like door skins. Your seats weren't too bad for using as a starting point.

It might just be a place to check out.

The shop is a fenced in lot on the west side of Canton....where the road splits at the traffic light.

He has a Attack Poodle like mine (will lick your leg off.).

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Thanks my friend. I may head over next week or so, and will stop by to see you too!

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KOOL... Just give me a days heads up.


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