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I have my doubts about the wiring of my EVR or external voltage regulator. I think the diagram in my '69 Avanti II is as pictured below (sketch). It contains a switch under the dash (bottom left, next to the rear window fan switch) and a fuse. The black wire appears to have been added to the wiring harness later.

I have no idea what the original altenator was but now it has a DN10 in it. The diagrams with the EVR then look very different as I found on https://www.studebaker-info.org/Tech/Alternator/Delco10dn/delco10dn.html

I can't explain why my schedule is working but it did. The fuse has now blown and the charging voltage is no longer there. I would prefer to wire the alternator an EVR as I see in other diagrams. I did that but it doesn't work, no charging. I'm lost.

What route does your wiring have and what alternator do you have? 

Thanks, Kodjo


Schermafbeelding 2.png

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