Hi paul, thanks, I do have the workshop manual as well as the parts manual for the 63 Avanti. I must have searched for hours and missed the info in the manual. However I just reread the parts related to the installation of distributor and I think that this distributor is slightly different than the stock stude model, I think something is missing in the info. While the distributor and shaft are exactlly what came out of the engine, and when reinstalling it, it felt like everything meshed.
aparentlly it did not. cranked and started normallly after the new electronics were installed, but no oil pressure. I wonder if there is something that sits on top of the oil pump to receive the end of the distributor shaft.? if so it may have fallen out when the distributor was removed. just guessing at that, as nothing shows that in the manual. I will have to remove the distributor tomorrow and look down as see why it does not connect.
Thank you for the additional info.