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Status Replies posted by Gunslinger

  1. So I am following in your footsteps with my 63 and putting the same brake booster you used on your 70 (Allstar Performance 8” ALL41006).  What you used to connect the booster to the brake lever?  Did you cut down the rod and attach an eye to attach to the pin?  Thanks. Tom

    1. Gunslinger


      I really don’t have an answer…I had a speed shop do all the work.  Essentially I just paid for it.  The most I remember is the shop owner said he talked to brake specialist…gave him the specs on the car and the brake specialist made the recommendations.  He had to modify the booster bracket but beyond that I don’t remember…that was maybe fifteen years ago.  I sold the car a few years back.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I have a 74, RQB 2139, I'm new to AOAI and the forum.  I understand that there may be a number of parts that are interchangeable with items readily available at most parts stores.  Is there a good resource for these items?

    On different note, I've got a 1858 44 cal. cap and ball I would like to sell.

    1. Gunslinger


      Here's an interchange list that should be useful.  I don't know how current some of the parts numbers are but it's a start.  Some stuff you learn over time.



      Stude Interchange list copy.pdf

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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