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  • My Avanti
    1963 R1780

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  1. I for one do not like paint stripper! (My Opinion) especially on fiberglass, but on the supercharger, it is small, use 180 grit or 120 grit, WET or Dry sandpaper with a couple drops of soap. Sand it down until you're happy, then go over it with 220 wet or dry. Wash it with formula 409 to remove any traces of oil or grease, then etch prime it, them primer, sanding with 400 grit wet or dry before you paint it. As stated before being sure to tape off all openings. he Chevy Orange in a rattle can will be fine. Jim
  2. Librandi Plating near Harrisburg Pa. has done plating for me, although not cheap, is beautiful. They do or did all the chrome for Harley Davidson in York. Jim
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